The #1 piece of advice you will ever get while building your empire!
Two years ago I set out to rebuild my business from scratch! I hired a fantastic web girl and had her rebuild my three websites! I also started my You Tube channel and began shooting a video every single day!
My social media following was nice but no where near where it is today! With 17,000 people on my personal Facebook page and close to 15,000 people on my fan and group pages, that reach alone has blossomed into more than anything I could have ever imagined!
Oh and that little You Tube channel that someone once said I would do nothing with...Im currently at 6,300 subscribers and close to 900,000 views in just a little over one year!
Now I know that this isn't much compared to other major players out there however I built this ORGANICALLY! 150% ORGANICALLY! No Facebook adds, no advertising, nothing! And I did it on my own! I almost forgot to mention the 4000 Twitter followers and 5200 Instagram followers that I rarely feed! Oh but don't worry, I'll learn that too and when I do I will master them both! By the way, my Google plus and Pinterest accounts are beginning to catch up with my Facebook too:)) YAY!
So why am I sharing what I'm about to share with you? Because for the last week Ive been frustrated! Ive been frustrated that I've not developed my dream team yet!
Whats a dream team? A dream team is a team of people who "get it"! It really is that simple! They "get" your mission and they believe in your cause! They are not in it for the money, they are in it because they know you are building an Empire that will help millions if not billions of people!
For the past two months I've been deciding if I will be able to leave my entire business that I have built from scratch! I would rather miss an AMAZING opportunity than to leave my business to people who don't get this one simple thing that I'm about to explain below!
People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it!
If you hire people who just need a job, or desire to get rich they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people that believe in your calling, purpose or your mission, they’ll work for you with blood sweat and tears! WHY? Because they believe in you and in your cause!
On the flip side, if you are building your business because you want to get rich and famous you will surely fail! BUT if you are building it because you have a purpose you will ALWAYS SUCCEED!
This morning I woke to things being ALL to clear! I know what my mission is and I know exactly how to get there! There are some roads that will get me there almost overnight and some roads that will take a bit longer! One thing is for sure...I will NOT allow anyone to be on my team that does not fully believe in me!
I truly think that the following words of Simon Sinek "people don't buy what you do they buy why you do it" is the absolute BEST single piece of advice ANY entrepreneur can ever grasp!
The true test is surrounding yourself with those that "get it" and weeding out those who don't!
So whats my #1 piece of advice in building an Empire? Building a team that actually "gets why you are doing what you do" and who believes in you 150%
I'm feeling VERY clear! Prayers for a decision to be made that can change this girls path for ever:)
Love to all of you who believe in the mission I am creating! I'm just a simple girl from Ohio who is trying to change the World, one juice at a time!