
Seeking Solace Creatively within nature
These day's I seek solace in my garden. I see my animals and the wild animals that surround me as my best friends and helpers. Gardening, writing, creating tinctures, elixir tonics and jewelry made from crystals also brings me peace. Brushing my dog's hair gives me serenity. Feeding my furry humans organically makes me feel happy within my heart space.

Here are my top 7 Tips to find peace within yourself (or, in your garden)!
1) Writing outdoors ~ If you and I have connected before or, if you know of my history you probably already know I am a writer at heart. My writing has been published in Fashion 5.0, Your Tango, The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, The Good Men Project, The Chiropractic Journal, The San Diego Voyager, The Del Mar Times and Women's Day just to name a few.
As I sit here and write this I am in a sacred space in my new home that truly brings the outdoors in! A breakfast nook full of windows. I find I write better while in nature. With all cellular devices off, I become one with nature. Truly feeling the breathable expansion of my creative abilities.
2) Walking to run errands instead of driving ~ I recently relocated to an area that has both a gym and an organic grocery store within a mile of my home. Before I knew it, I was leaving my fancy foreign wheels behind in an attempt to walk my errands instead of driving. At my old place I was constantly inundated by the smog. In my new location this is no longer an issue.
If you live in an area that is conducive to walking to the local post office, grocery or gym, I highly suggest it! There is something special about getting things done while feeling the sun on your face.
3) Sun Gazing ~ Did you know NASA has confirmed sun gazing's healing properties? So why aren’t you partaking in this daily ritual?
Native American tribes held a yearly sun dance to the approach of the summer solstice. The native people worship the sun! As a part of the ritual, the sun gazers would first fast for 24 hours. They then would dance and stare directly at the glowing orb in the daytime sky! Now if they did this, why can't you?
The act of sun gazing opens your third-eye chakra. It is intended to be an act of communion and rebirth with the earth’s rhythms. Now, as a newly re-popularized "trend", Sun gazing is enjoying a resurgence.
My method of sun gazing. I sit Indian style or lay down in the grass. I begin by staring directly into the sun for 30-60 seconds each morning. This brings me greater vigor, energy, alertness, and of course greater focus.
You may be wondering “but don’t your eyes get damaged from that”? Many of us recall our mother’s telling us, “Don’t stare into the sun, you will lose your vision!” After a bit of research, I haven’t been able to find any evidence that supports that claim. In fact, many sun gazers note more acute vision and even ocular regeneration as some benefits.
4) Connecting with animals
I grew up with animals and will never stop having them as a huge intricate part of my life. Animals are a prime and maybe the only symbol left on earth of unconditional love.
Researchers all over the world have ran scientific studies on the mental health benefits of having animals.
For example, researchers are looking into how animals might influence child development. They’re studying animal interactions with kids who have autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other conditions.
5) Organic Gardening ~ It truly is magnificent how peaceful and inwardly fulfilling gardening can be. What begins as a simple planting of a seed can turn into a lifelong love of nature. From a simple natural way of relieving stress by relaxing and gently stretching tense muscles while getting back in touch with that quiet place is within our hearts; to acquiring greater inner peace and spiritual connectedness by being at full peace.
We really do reconnect to source by being in a natural setting for a little while. Either way, we need to be kind to ourselves while gardening and give ourselves permission to take breaks, to breathe in the fresh air; to feel the inner peace expanding within our hearts; and to pour forth our loving gratitude to GAIA! Mother-Father GOD; the angelic beings; the flowers; and all life desire this from us. We should also give thanks to life for such a sweet, peaceful blessing such as gardening.
6) Nature Hikes ~ Ah... the warm sun shining upon your face, the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft earthy feel of the trail under your feet. Not only are these experiences enjoyable to have, but they’re good for your monkey mind too!
Whenever I am working with a client the first thing I say when they are overwhelmed is "take a hike"!
Hiking is proven to have many health benefits, ranging from the physical exercise you get when out on the trail, to emotional or mental relief that comes from being in nature.
I hike with my furry companions once per week. We always stop to rest in the flower fields. Just being on the trail with them provides both them and me with peace of mind.

7) Crystal Projects! ~ Recently I started an Etsy store! It was a way to earn extra income for one of my dogs care while serving as a creative outlet for me. The art of making jewelry out of objects from earth has always been a passion of mine. Although some of the items are vintage pieces found online, many are hand-made by me.
You may support my shop and my sweet fur babies care here.
Blessings of peace love and abundance! Remember, I only want the best for you!
I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice!
Cilantro Kisses, Andrea