Hey there lovely! I'm sure you are doing FABULOUS drinking your green juice daily, getting yoga in and eating your big salads! I'm here in beautiful Diamond Head Hawaii staying in a gorgeous place on the beautiful blue ocean! I should feel FANTASTIC, right? Well, not exactly.
You see, I've been here once before! I couldn't walk or even talk at that time. I was in my mothers belly:) My father had brought her to the EXACT location I'm at! I've always wanted to visit and when given the opportunity, I jumped at the chance!
Something has shifted in me since being here the last few days. Something I want to share with all of you. You see, many of you have been messaging me on social media asking "why I'm here"? It struck a cord in me, a wake up call, a "must change moment"!
Although I love and value EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU that follows me on You Tube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I wondered why all of you were so curious about what brought me to this lovely place. This got me thinking about how much I share on social media and... as you know, I share A LOT! Sure you wanted to know! You wanted to know because I share just about EVERYTHING with you!
I share photos, videos, detox and natural beauty tips along with other important things that help you create a healthier lifestyle. I also share personal photos, how I'm feeling and what has happened during my day! If I'm upset, you know about it before my own mother or boyfriend does!
For some reason, since arriving in Hawaii this is beginning not to sit well with me any longer. At least what I've been sharing up until this point.
I really feel torn here:( I feel torn because I've grown to love ALL of you on this mailing list and all of you that follow me via social media SO much that ...well, you all are like family to me! You reach out to me when I am sad, help me with decisions and even send me beautiful art you create (some of you:)
What I've decided to do is to start a membership portion to my website www.thehealthyhaven.net Now you will be able to catch up with me ALL of the time and see everything I do! In turn, I will feel like I still have my online support group/family!
I'm even going to price it SUPER low the first week (like a buck) for all of you! After that it will go up. I just want all of you to have first dibs!
We are looking at 30 days from today at its launch! That being said....will y'all do me a favor? Would all of you go and mark your calendars for that date (30 days from today)! This way you can all hold me accountable for getting it done for you! You all have been SO very good to me! Now, its my turn to give back to you! I promise to have the content back there be EXCLUSIVE just for you!
WHEW! Now that I've got that out of the way...i'm ready to share some of the beauty of this place with you!
Here are the photos thus far!