Today I would like to share something with you that comes from the deepest part of my heart.
Many of you may find my words empty and as the law of polarity would have it, many of you will find warmth and comfort in these words. Sharing tips to rise above jealousy and envy is not my job description. I am a healer, a light worker, an incredibly gifted medicine woman.
There are times that I feel incredibly grateful for being here on this earth at this given time. Yet there are times that I feel misunderstood and crucified for my beliefs. I have a very pure and loving heart. And although my photos, videos and work have me appearing as a pillar of strength, my Piscean nature often has me hiding any type of discomfort or challenge in my life.
I set extremely high standards for myself while constantly battling jealousy and envy, from others. This lends itself to often being disconnected from others. This is almost always to protect myself from further sabotage and harm that I would never wish on anyone.
My outlook on life has always been positive. Many would say that my dreams are too big to accomplish yet, I have accomplished many that I set out to. Sometimes when you dream big, even the most positive mindset can have people wanting to see your demise. This is a sad fact that the empathic, loving side of me did not want to face for a long time.
Truthful acceptance
There is a time where we have to make an honest assessment in our lives. A true assessment about who is for us, what is for us, and what works against us and our ability to serve others. Even those that we hold most precious in our hearts may need to be shown the exit door in this lifetime for both our and their souls growth and evolution.
At times, I feel very weighed down and censored for being who I am. As if I am “not allowed” to speak the words I want. To share the photos I desire or, to be the beautiful open hearted empathic human I am.
My heavy Scorpio placements often have me speaking truths that shatter the ears of others.
Social media is a playground of infiltration of both the positive and the negative. For me, social media has served to be a positive as many of my clients have come from my social media platforms. But social media has also permitted those who disagree with what I say and who wish to silence me to wage war against me at many different times along my journey.
For those of you who do not know, my private messages on Facebook and other social media platforms are rarely answered by me. I have an assistant who handles a lot of this along with my replies to comments.
Although this may seem shallow, she knows me almost as well as I know myself. This was the right decision to make to support my health and productivity during times of heavy client loads. This was also a result of an extreme cyber attack by a group of cyber bullies.
I am willing to admit this today knowing that many of you will fall off but that in your place, I will gain many who truly support me along my journey and what I am trying to create in this world to better serve the collective.
My animals, my peace, my loved ones, and my clients are most precious to me.
90% of my current clientele comes from word of mouth at this time. This is something that makes me very proud.

A few things I’ve learned along this journey and six tips to rise above jealousy and envy.
1. Know that jealousy and envy do exist!
I began experiencing jealousy at a young age. Sadly as I've grown older and more developed intellectually, envy from others has gotten worse. When people see that blessings in the form of opportunities come to you often, they assume these blessings come easily to you. This is what drums up jealousy in others. There are people in the world who actually feel entitled to your blessings.
Being an empath, I thought this was crazy. I really thought when people were trying to target me that I had done something wrong. I later learned that the first step in battling envious people is to admit that envy and jealousy do in fact exist.
2. No one can steal your blessings
Let's get one thing straight, no one can steal your blessings! However evil does exist. Placing people along your path that will create obstacles along your way. This is to slow you down. Be mindful of the people in your inner most circle and about how much you share online.
3. Trace it back to it's source
There are various types of jealousy in this world. The easiest way to get to the root cause of envy coming your way is to trace it back to it's source. This was advice given to me by a very high level individual who helped me get to the bottom of a cyber bullying that went on for years. Keep a log of everything that happens. Both online and off.
4. Use your voice
I've been the target of jealousy quite a few times in my life. I used to blame myself thinking "how am I drawing this to me"? It wasn’t until I met a powerful healer who taught me that the gifted children of this world here to create true change are often targeted. Not just by ex's and jealous females who sadly feel cometition with your light. But also from the Illuminati and yes, even our shadow government.
5. Remove the blindfold!
Believe it or not, many of us are destined for greatness. We are destined to heal others. We know and opperate from a place of unconditional love! We are the light workers of this world. Sadly, there are people in this world that feel if they cannot have you, no one else should. There are also people who will cross your path who see your abundance, and will try to take that away from you. Remove the blindfold and take notice when others do not clap when you are doing well in life but are immediately there for you when you are down. That is a red flag of hidden jealousy.
6. Set healthy boundaries
Be trusting until trust is broken. Be loving until love is broken. Be supportive until you see clearly that others are attempting to interfere with your support from the divine. Setting healthy boundaries is key when learning how to deal with jealousy and envy.
My closing prayers and requests
I still will be posting on social media during my morning routine. However, I am humbly requesting your love, prayers, and support at this time while I invest time in an offline business. A business to better serve even more wonderful people! A lifelong souls calling of mine to help more people discover their spiritual Sadhana, ascend to higher realms of high vibrational health, and to walk their souls journey in this lifetime.
Thank you for your love and prayers of support. I am sending each of you so much love and support!