It’s impossible to become a beacon of light while ingesting and being exposed to chemical toxicity on a daily basis. Chemicals and toxins are EVERYWHERE! Some toxins are naturally occurring chemicals that our body has had a difficult time breaking down. When accumulated in our cells these toxins cause a cellular mutation that eventually leads to degenerative disease and early death. Cellular detoxification becomes impossible unless water fasting, biohacking tools, and a plant-based diet are not employed.
Cellular detoxification is possible but only when we follow a wellness protocol. I’ve used a protocol in my own home and with my clients for years! A variety of detoxification techniques that when alchemically blended work exceptionally well!
1. Dry brushing * infrared sauna * cold shower.
This three-step process is vital to cleanse and gently detoxify the largest organ of our body, our skin!
2. Medicinal mushroom elixir tonics
(Coffee and caffeine in general) dehydrate our cells and tax our precious adrenal glands. Medicinal mushrooms and adaptogenic herbs When blended properly work synergistically to enhance one’s mood and calm sensory nerves. Medicinal mushrooms can often aid cellular detoxification.
3. A living foods diet

I never quite understood how people could eat dead decomposing animals and refer to it as “food”. Rotting flesh is not food! On an energetic level, one receives the anxiety pain, and angst that an animal feels right before it is slaughtered when consuming it. I truly believe this is factual.
4. Fresh air, sunshine, and body movement
Functional movement is not just moving the body daily mindlessly. It involves using your own body weight and for me, always doing this outside, not in a stuffy gym. The first 45 minutes of my day is always spent moving. Sometimes I dance, other days I rebound and at other times I hop on my elliptical which I pull out from my garage into the fresh sunshine. But one thing is for certain every day contains body movement.
5. Juicing
I can honestly say I have not missed a day of juice in 21 years. Juicing is like having a blood transfusion of vitamins and minerals straight into the bloodstream. Juicing is excellent to aid cellular detoxification.
6. Colon hydrotherapy & enemas
There’s a reason you can Google baking soda enema and my name pulls up. I’ve been talking about Colon hydrotherapy next and enemas for years. The anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and toxin release you get during a colonic are unlike anything you can do for the body. When it comes to cleansing we start with the liver! Colon hydrotherapy is the quickest way to detoxify the liver at a cellular level.
7. Quality water
All water is not created equal. Drinking water from a plastic container is like swimming in a chemically-laden pool. It simply does nothing for you.
8. Another popular method of detoxification is the footbath.
The footbath was designed and developed to restore the body's energy while facilitating and aiding in its natural detoxification process. This device has been proven in clinical trials to balance and restore the body's Ph and electromagnetic energy I’ve used the original ion cleanse footbath at my own detox retreats, home, and with one on one clients for years. I attest to its amazing cellular detoxification properties.
9. Resonate Light Machine
The $10,000 investment to have one of these babies in your home is a must when you want to really turn the tables in your favor! This uses rice technology to heal the body at a cellular level from everything from cancer to other degenerative diseases. It even has settings for wrinkles and anti-aging! Check out the resonate light machine here and tell them Andrea Cox sent you!
10. Growing your own food
Another cellular detoxification strategy involves diet modification that certain foods can help the body naturally detoxify, whereas other foods can create the opposite effect. These naturally detoxifying foods also support lower levels of cellular inflammation and healthy hormone regulation.
When we grow our own food, we know what goes into the soil and therefore can be certain that added chemicals and pesticides are left out of the equation.
I am currently seventy-five percent sustainable. And this feels increasingly cleansing on a cellular detoxification level!

11. Water Fasting for cellular detoxification
Fasting is a method of restricting food intake, has been practiced for thousands of years. Fasting was quoted throughout the Bible and is still the number one method towards true healing and cellular regeneration.
Water fasting is a type of fast that restricts everything except water. It has become more popular in recent years as a quick way to lose weight.
Studies have shown that water fasting could have health benefits. For example, it may lower the risk of some chronic diseases and stimulate autophagy, a process that helps your body break down and recycle old parts of your cells.
Andrea Cox facilitates water fasting retreats in Southern California and Nevada. Learn more about Andrea's water fasting retreat here.

Remember what goes in must come out protect yourself by living a detox lifestyle on the daily!
In order to truly heal, vibrate higher and gain energy and vitality through cellular health, one must incorporate simple eating, juicing principles combined with biohacking tools for true cellular rejuvenation.