My top three elixir tonic bases and what detox teas are safe to consume while intermittent fasting.
So what are my top three elixir tonic bases? See below!
The benefits of gynostemma
Licorice Root
The benefits of licorice
Licorice has many health benefits. My favorite being its unique ability to heal eczema.
Eczema is just one of the ailments that healing sweet-flavored licorice tea heals. Eczema is the term for a group of skin conditions that affects over 30 million people in the US, according to the National Eczema Association.
Eczema can cause itching, redness, scaling, and a very irritating form of skin inflammation.
Glycyrrhiza glabra extract, or licorice root extract, may be effective against bacteria that can infect the skin. This makes licorice tea a win-win for those of you who suffer from chronic skin conditions.
Stomach discomfort and ulcers
Infection with bacteria called Helicobacter pylori can cause peptic ulcers in some people. Research suggestsTrusted Source that a licorice extract may help kill H. Pylori bacteria. A clinical trial of 120 people found that the addition of licorice extract to the standard treatment significantly improved H. Pylori eradication.
Hepatitis C
Glycyrrhizin may help treat hepatitis C, a virus that infects the liver. Without treatment, hepatitis C can cause inflammation and long-term liver damage. ResearchersTrusted Source has reported that glycyrrhizin demonstrates antimicrobial activity against hepatitis C in cell samples and may hold promise as a future treatment for this virus.
Doctors in Japan use an injectable form of glycyrrhizin to treat people who have chronic hepatitis C that does not respond to other treatments. The results of laboratory studies in Japan suggest that it may be helpful for this.
Tooth decay
Some research suggests that licorice may help kill bacteria in the mouth that cause tooth decay. This is a win-win for anyone suffering from tooth decay! This does not mean it has potential as a future cavity treatment though.
The benefits of guayusa
In addition to helping boost energy, some proponents suggest that sipping guayusa on a regular basis can reduce your risk for diabetes and heart disease.1 It’s also suggested that drinking guayusa can help promote weight loss.
At this point, however, little is known about how drinking guayusa might influence health. Studies investigating the health properties of guayusa are extremely limited, and almost no studies have been performed on humans.2
The caffeine content in guayusa and in coffee can vary greatly according to the way it is manufactured and brewed. However, the caffeine in one cup of brewed guayusa is said to be comparable to the caffeine in a cup of coffee.
Antioxidants are compounds that help prevent cell damage from oxidation in the body. Several studies have confirmed the antioxidant properties of the guayusa plant.
Final thoughts
My favorite elixir recipe to drink while intermittent fasting
Gynostemma is a long-revered longevity tea from Japan, similar to ginseng. Combined with Sun Potion herbs, almond milk, and a date for some sweetness, it tastes fantastic and is especially soothing right before bed.
1 cup brewed Dragon Herbs gynostemma tea, hot
⅓ cup fresh oat milk and hazelnut milk combined
2-3 Medjool dates, pitted
1 tablespoon of The Raw Detox Formula
1 real cocoa bean
⅛ teaspoon ceylon cinnamon (this will stabilize your blood sugar levels)
1/3 tsp green leaf stevia (optional)
1. Brew gynostemma tea and set aside to cool for 2 minutes.
2. Next, add all ingredients to a blender, and mix until warm and frothy.
3. Pour and drink slowly. Enjoy the cup of warming inner peace.