Whether you have high self-esteem or, your self-worth is hovering somewhere in the middle, self-esteem impacts how you view yourself.
Self-esteem is a vital building block for many things: our confidence in our abilities, our sense of self-worth, and how we compare ourselves to others. Low self-esteem can develop over time, however, you can bring it back up by changing the way you perceive yourself and your negative thoughts.
In this article, I will share my life-long battle with having low self-esteem, along with the cause, and tips to elevate your vibration in order to raise your self-esteem while improving your overall health.
Why healthy self-esteem matters
Having good self-esteem isn’t just feeling good about yourself. Your sense of self-worth can profoundly affect your mental health.
It’s vitally important for your mental health to have confidence in your abilities so that you have a good sense of self-worth. Your ability to grow and recognize that low self-esteem holds you back are a natural part of the ascension process.
Low self-esteem can lead to bigger issues like depression and anxiety. In fact, they often go hand in hand.
Anytime you are struggling with a mental health issue, it’s good to think about your self-worth and how you see yourself.
Signs you may have low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can come out in many ways — but in simple terms, it’s being unkind to yourself.
You may have low self-esteem if you:
- Don’t feel confident in your abilities.
- Are constantly comparing themselves to others in a negative way.
- Feel triggered when you make even the smallest mistake.
- Find yourself resistant to any kind of criticism or suggestions.
- Focus on your failures and ignore your accomplishments.
- Feel anxious, depressed, and worried about everything you do.
- Don’t take care of your hygiene, body, and other components to elevate your vibration
It can be hard to accept that you might be experiencing low self-esteem. But recognizing it is the first important step to working against those negative thoughts.
My Story of having low self-esteem
It took me four decades to love the skin I am in! It took me years to feel comfortable enough to share myself in photos and on video. Throughout my life, even as a fitness and glamour model in my 20’s I had low self-esteem. I’ve always hidden behind my hair thinking my face wasn’t pretty enough. I have always been diligent about working out and structuring my eating in a way that maintains my hourglass figure. It wasn’t until I dealt with deep-rooted childhood and past-life trauma, the same trauma I am helping so many of my clients deal with in my intuitive life coaching program, that I began to love the skin I am in.
I am not perfect! However, I am a gorgeous, genius unicorn! A child of God. I know I am beautiful and unique. I’m told on a regular basis how highly creative and innately intelligent I am. I know I am a rare gem who has an unusually high level of emotional intelligence. I have a connection to those that have walked this earth and passed over that is unlike anyone I’ve ever crossed paths with. I am protected by the divine and {according to my gene key}, I am an all-encompassing vessel of unconditional love.
It wasn’t until I was the target of a severe online targeted stalking and bullying often referred to as “gang stalking” that my self worth and value truly plummeted.
All of these experiences — and how we react to them — can accumulate causing a low self-esteem over time.
How to have a healthy self-esteem
If you’ve recognized low self-esteem in yourself, you may want to think about some of the possible root causes. Usually, there are several scenarios that occur early on in childhood that contribute to low self-esteem. Our past lives may also play a vital role in the way our self-esteem displays itself today.
Here’s how you can change the way you think and improve your self-esteem:
Challenge the way you think about yourself
The first step? Change the negative narrative in your head.
There is no better way to improve your self-esteem than to stop piling on those Nancy negative thought patterns.
So, how do you change the way you think? The first step is recognizing these negative thoughts and acknowledging if they’re actually serving your highest good or hurting you. Many times, people have extreme ways of thinking, they distort information and come up with very different assessments of the situation at hand.
Think of it as detective work: You’re finding evidence that disproves all the negative facts you’re telling about yourself. Playing a detective in your own life will assist you in rewiring your brain to change how you view yourself. This in turn will elevate your self-esteem immediately.
For example, if you have the thought: “I messed up this new relationship, I’ll never be able to do anything right,” catch yourself and ask some rational questions such as:
- Is there any evidence to support my negative thinking?
- What’s the solid evidence that goes against my negative thinking?
- Am I jumping to negative thought patterns and conclusions too fast?
Changing your thinking is a big component.
Put your thoughts into action
If those negative thoughts are still creeping through, it means you need to start putting positive ones into action. Just thinking better about yourself isn’t enough to will elevate your self-esteem.
Eat cleaner and exercise more!
There is no way around this fact, the more our outer appearance matches our inside goals, the better we feel and the more elevated our self esteem becomes.
Many low self-esteem issues come from the fear of others not accepting you. But isolating yourself isn’t going to help. As much as I love hermit-ing away in my mountaintop abode, even I know the importance of getting out.
If you’re not giving yourself a chance to go out and interact with people, you won’t be able to see that maybe they really enjoy your company and companionship. Remember, practice makes perfect when learning to elevate your self-esteem. The more you practice, the more it will become a part of you.

Accept that you’re not perfect
No one has ever gone through life without making mistakes. Our trials and tribulations will help your self-esteem grow. I think the one part of elevating your self-esteem that people struggle with the most is learning to accept errors not as failures but as stepping stones to discovering your greatness.
The bottom line is low self-esteem can lead to paranoia, anxiety, and shutting yourself away from others.
Try speaking positive affirmations
Sometimes, in order to change the story in your head, you need to say it out loud. Saying positive affirmations such as these 52 positive affirmations by one of my favorite teachers… Oprah, is a huge game changer in elevating your self-esteem! Speaking these out loud can help with boosting your confidence and lead to building healthier habits.
Try and write out specific affirmations that work best for you and your situation. These can be a powerful way to rewire the way you think about yourself.
Create balance and set personal goals that have nothing to do with your outward appearance!
Just as important as looking good on the outside is what’s going on inside. There is nothing sadder to witness than a woman or a man who has spent thousands of hours and dollars on their outside appearance yet has no successful accomplishments.
If this is your story, invest in yourself now by figuring out what lights you up on the inside!
You don’t want to be left with nothing when the botox and fillers fade.
Final thoughts
Boosting your self-esteem is important, however, you also want to have balance. You want to be confident in yourself, while still accepting room for growth and ascension.
To build healthy self-esteem you must have a sense of your own individual self-worth. You need to have confidence in your abilities, but also know there is always room for growth and for detecting errors.
Remember to be yourself! You’ll never find a person with a healthy self-esteem peering in on others to gain creativity or monetarily. In fact, I’m proud to say that having worked with a therapist using bio-feedback, she boasted upon my ability to “literally create daily while having my self-esteem targeted by others”. That’s another story for another time.
At one point she said “I’m amazed at your ability to tune out the outside world”.
The bottom line here is that having healthy self-esteem means that you have a sense of your own worth and confidence in your abilities. But there’s also room for growth and for detecting errors.”
Whether you’re struggling with self-esteem related to work, body image, or your general self-worth, it’s important to work toward a more positive outlook on yourself. Low self-esteem can build over time — usually due to negative thoughts. Thankfully, there are ways to challenge them through positive affirmations and mental exercises.
Remember, sometimes there is nothing wrong with you at all. Even when others are making you feel like you are odd, different, or not good enough. It is usually those who project upon you that carry the most insecurities. Let your light shine even brighter dear hearts.
My temporary low self-esteem came from a specific group of individuals who targeted my business, and my social media in the comments, and attacked me for years due to their own low self-worth. Some people just can’t stand to see others rise if they aren’t part of the action.
Thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable on this blog. This world could use more vulnerability. more authenticity, and more creations that are of our own making.
Interested in healing your self-esteem, childhood trauma, and your past life karma? Not quite ready for full on coaching just yet?