Many of you have reached out to me over the past week asking when I’ll be shooting my videos again. Or, saying that you’re concerned because you’ve not received my newsletter.
The truth is I’m rediscovering God. Right before my move I had a series of women come into my life. Just as I had 16 years ago. Women of all walks of life, some religious some spiritual. But all women of power. And just like I was faced with myself years ago. I was faced with myself again.
the beautiful
the creative
the angelic
the ugly
Sometimes when we are given the gift of an outer shell that others may deem as perfect we can become lonely and introverted during this process of life. An unreachable need of feeling as though we must “live up to” the impossible standards of others. We can hide our true heart space behind walls of strength, walls of knowledge and walls of focusing on obtaining things that don’t really serve us.
The day of my move I rediscovered a box of books that had been given to me 16 years ago. Among them a more recent gift ... a book of gold! Of course, always with me, my pink tattered bible was placed gently in that same box.
I spent two days last week in my garden absorbing the most beautiful writings. I allowed them to pour into me like the sun. Releasing any past pain with the moon.
So if you need me, Just know I am here for you in spirit. I am rediscovering God. He is reminding me of my purpose to serve others.
He is reminding me to remain humble amongst the gifts that he has given me.
He is reminding me that I do not walk this earth alone.
He is reminding me that we are all married to one another in spirit.
Most importantly he is reminding me that when I shine my light so brightly it is helping others to see the light within them.
I’m here Listening to the whispers of my soul ~ Rediscovering God

My “art” appears to be prettier here!
Raw Vegan tomato soup w/ BBQ jackfruit on top! Heirloom tomato kale avocado salad! A meal at the queendom fit for a queen!
Tempting Tomato Soup
Ingredients :
15 Roma tomatos
1 red bell pepper
2 TB lemon juice or apple cider vinegar
1 large avocado
6 leaves fresh basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
2-3 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp kelp
Directions :
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. I love to pour this cold summer soup over arugula.
Option : Top with BBQ Jackfruit! I love The Jackfruit company's BBQ jackfruit.

The First Harvest!

You can take the girl out of Ohio but you cannot take the Ohio out of the girl!
Farming ran in my dads side of the family. In fact I own a farm (farm house and all) with my sisters in Kentucky that was left to us years ago. My Kentucky roots on my fathers side of the family are POURING out from my soul! My grandmother La Golda ( Goldie) on my mothers side had the most beautiful gardens. I feel her with me through this transition.
I feel right at home here. I'm grateful to not need to purchase any greens for dinner or lunch tomorrow!
Mind you this is only two weeks of growth!
Over the next few months you may see less of me. What can I say, I am far too happy to subjugate my personal life on social media. Social media just seems like child's play these days. One thing is for certain however... I will continue to inform you of my up coming travels, garden growth and public appearances. There are also many projects in the works that I am keeping under wraps for now.
I love you, only want the best for you
Please love yourself and drink your juice!
Cilantro kisses ~ Andrea