Am I moving to Hawaii....Heck no! After running off to Hawaii for eleven fun filled beautiful days I must say I was shocked and quite honestly a bit disappointed. Many of you have e-mailed me asking me if I am moving to the island. The answer is a very strong NO! You see I went away to spend time making a decision that had been weighing on my heart heavily. I thought I would find peace and serenity on the island due to the fact that my mother carried me in her belly there. To be honest with you, After being able to breath through my nose for the first time because of the air quality being SO much better than San Diego's, I thought for a moment I had found bliss!
Then, within a day, reality set in! As I walked to the gym every morning I was smelling a ton of second hand smoke. My second day there a man at the gym was recommending a free "flu shot" (ugh)! Do people really still buy into that? The traffic was TERRIBLE! I felt like I was being honked at three times the second a red light turned to green! I paid $10 for a small container of lettuce or spinach wherever I went. I later found out that all greens are shipped in! The freshness of them does not hold a candle to what I have available to me in sunny CA!
I think what saddened me the most was the amount of homeless people on the island. They were everywhere! My last day there I took some food down to a man who slept next to a parking garage every night. His name was Fred and he thanked me more times than I could count. I simply could not believe that there aren't any shelters on the island! Keep in mind I was staying in the wealthiest area in a VERY posh home right on the ocean! Right next door at the park, it was homeless central! I couldn't help but to think, why do the people with money living there not build a shelter and hire those people to help?
With all the negatives there were some positives. The people in general are extremely nice! I got lost quite a few times and the folks there went out of their way to help me. I also found the water to be almost an angelic sea foam blue color! It was stunningly beautiful and I really enjoyed my ocean swims!
I was very happy to return home yesterday! Today being Earth day I was inspired to belt out this poem for all of you. It literally took me less than a minute. Enjoy and may we all find peace in this ever growing technology overload government driven society.
Is it crazy to want to run away
it's sometimes hard to bear the day
to find a land without the hustle and bustle
clean air to breath and no government to muscle
Is it strange to want to disappear
to a place where clean air is near
I feel stronger than the general race
who lives in fear without a face
bowing down to this place of control
our food, our air our very soul
It's not my time to break away just yet
with lives to change goals must be met
In the end you will see
this World we live in needs to "be"
Here are a few of my photos from Hawaii!!!