Hey Lovely:)
This will be a bit longer than my usual news letter but shouldn't take more than 2 minutes of your time to read!
I would like to first explain why I didn't send out a "Black Friday offer". I do that in the short video at the bottom of this E-mail:) It's worth watching because I also show you how to get my flat tummy I'm showing off in the video!
For years after becoming a raw vegan I refused to eat out at restaurants. In fact, I wouldn’t date anyone for almost 7 years due to the fact that I didn’t want to be embarrassed of not being able to eat out. Although I still prefer to eat my own food for taste, health & knowing the source of the produce, I have definitely learned how to enjoy life out of my kitchen!
Eating out at a “normal restaurant” does NOT have to be the end of your healthy way of life. You don’t have to throw in the towel because you had a meal that is outside of your organic raw or vegan kitchen! During the past year I have traveled more than I ever have in my entire life. I am eating out at countless restaurants Both vegan & non vegan. I must say that the biggest misconception is that you have to stay home once you become a vegan, raw foodist or simply a clean eater. I’m here to remind all of you that you don’t have to give up your social life & stay within the parameters of your healthy kitchen to stay healthy.

Above is a photo of me at dinner last night at Veladora restaurant. Veladora is not a vegan restaurant & though I try not to frequent or contribute to restaurants that are aren’t 100% vegan my boyfriend had asked me to go & I accepted. I have a passion for interior design and have always loved the decor there & he knows this:)
I started off with the salad and asked the waiter to not put any oil on it. I had him place heirloom tomatoes fresh greens and avocado on a plate. He brought out a side of olive oil sea salt and apple cider vinegar and even brought me extra spinach when I told him that the salad was half the size I usually eat:)
I followed my salad with this lovely plate of a variety of steamed mushrooms and beets! The restaurant buys from a local farmer who has exquisite produce! Knowing this, I knew that the mushrooms and beets would be phenomenal! To finish the meal I had a sip of my boyfriends expresso and I always always always bring my own dessert! I had brought chocolate chip gluten free vegan cookies.
1) Remember that eating out should be fun! Oh and guess what, It's not ONLY about the food! Dining out is also about the companionship of being around others!
2) Make sure the restaurant is organic! At least you know you are dining at an establishment that cares about their patrons! I would never dine at any restaurant that wasn't organic, nor should you!
3) Call the chef ahead of time! When we arrived last night I already knew what I wanted! Why? Because I called ahead and knew what the chef had on hand! Chefs are ALWAYS willing to speak to anyone coming in to eat in their restaurant! Let them know you are coming and have a few special dietary requirements! It's your money~you deserve to be accommodated!
4) Take your own after dinner treats! This is a MUST for you to stay on track! Think dark chocolate or vegan gluten free cookies! My purse always smells like dessert goodness!
5) Find someone who loves you enough to not only accept your "different" way of life but who will also LOVE & APPRECIATE the healthy lifestyle that you bring to the table! And for God’s sake get out of your kitchen!
6) Be sure and eat a healthy breakfast and lunch prior to dining out for dinner! This way you're less likely to make a poor decision! Here is what I had prior to heading out (below)!

Ahhh~ Are you ready to learn how you can have a FLAT tummy like the one I show you in this video? Want to know why I chose not to send out that Black Friday Email? Just hit my face below~ha ha! {Ya know you've always wanted to hit me}!
WHO THE HECK AM I? Aaaa Read below!
Andrea L Cox is the owner of www.thehealthyhaven.net & www.alkalizewithandrea.com Andrea is a fitness model turned health coach who has written two books on the raw vegan healthy lifestyle and detoxification! Andrea has appeared on numerous news stations TV shows and magazine publications. She runs yoga juice cleanse retreats both in San Diego and Mexico! Her You Tube channel has surpassed Two Million views & is partnered with a broadband network! Her online detox programs may be found at www.thehealthyhaven.net
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Have a beautiful weekend & don't forget to drink your juice!