How do you see sex? I see sex as sacred. If you don’t see sex as sacred, I encourage you to read this article.
The normalization of random sexual behaviors has become more and more prevalent in recent months and years. It’s a fact that 3 million Americans contract the herpes virus every year.
As a high vibrating woman, I take sex very seriously. This doesn’t mean that I don’t practice tantra, engage in hot yoga and take stellar care of my body. This means that I can count on one hand how many partners I have been intimate with within my lifetime. And I am very proud of this.
Many people I know have 20 to 30 partners by the time they’re 25 years old along with a couple of kids and unfortunately an STD to boot.
Do I sound prudish? Read on...
FACT: Sex is the preferred method of creating a powerful toxic link for psychic feeding.
I also believe in a common theory referred to as Telegony. This was a theory of heredity holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent; thus the child of a woman might partake of traits of a previous sexual partner. You can learn more about telegony in this article here.
Another common belief is the confusion within the mind space that is constantly wavering in your decision making whether it be about what relationship partner you need or what life choices you need to make. If you find yourself having trouble making decisions, from what to wear to who to be with, you’ve probably had more than one sexual partner over the past several months to a year.
Spreading yourself so thin that you are carrying the DNA of not only all of the people you have slept with within the last seven years but also all of the partners they have slept with.
I love Sex! Absolutely adore it! But the type of sex I prefer is responsible and full of committed love. What I don’t love is drama and messiness. The bottom line is sharing intimacy with multiple partners is the quickest way to derail you off of your goals.
It’s all about RESPECT!
Casual sex is not based on mutual respect, understanding, love, or deep third eye connection. In fact, sex is an open door to many demonic forces entering a woman’s sacred womb. Sex should be an enjoyable participation of two people connecting on a deep high vibrational energetic third eye level.
Sex should be enjoyable but mindfulness should be at the forefront of every human's thought process before engaging in intercourse with another life force. Participating in loose sexual behaviors can literally destroy one's mental, physical, and energetic health. Whether we want to admit it or not, our spiritual potential and intuition can be greatly affected after engaging intimately with the wrong person.
For me, great sex is with a person I know deeply and love. When this type of sacred union is formed, lower forms of sexuality become sloppy and eventually repulsive.
Setting healthy boundaries while finding and addressing both our past life and childhood traumas are a must on the path towards elevating into the 5D.
Once we awaken to the fact that our unconscious reactions are nothing more than past life traumas or an open overspilling childhood wound, we will evolve to new heights.
Developing the capacity for highly evolved skills of discernment within the realm of relationships is of extraordinary importance. One cannot sage or Palo Santo away a venereal disease. Just as we cannot drench ourselves in essential oils to heal a wounded heart-space.
If we have not addressed our own “hidden agendas” (“getting laid, quick pleasure, money, conquering the next piece of ass) our unconscious triggers will stand front and center! Controlling our every move.
I don’t know what all of you are experiencing lately. Both my clients and I are feeling the need to practice mindfulness. Now more than ever we must be open to outside observation along with self-observation.
Many people do not have a clear sense of what is really going on in their surroundings. Especially with the way the world is currently situated ~ this can be a time of great evolution or, of great downfall. Within the world and within one’s own personal life.
Sex is one of the easiest ways that narcissists and entities can attempt to miss use our precious energy.
I do not see a man who boasts about the notches in his bedpost as a captain, leader, or king. Nor do I see a woman who is “easy” or needs to pick up a prescription for birth control because she never knows when she’s going to meet someone and “get laid” like a queen.
Again, Sex is a sacred union between two people that is holy. And if you feel the need to chase it you have a lot of work to do.