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Intuitive readings mean different things to different people. Every spiritual practitioner and reader has their own unique approach. Simply put, the intuitive readings that I provide are those of self-discovery and self-empowerment.
My intuitive guidance readings are intended to aid you along your journey. My goal is to help you discover your spiritual sadhana. You will gain deeper insights and understanding of yourself as I teach you how to tap into your own intuitive powers.
Intuitive readings are a self-discovery tool. A way of providing you a better understanding of yourself and the life lessons you are facing. An intuitive reading will help you discover the current opportunities available to shift, heal, and grow you on a personal and spiritual level.
Whether faced with seemingly unattainable career goals, a challenging relationship issue, or, health concerns, I will aid you in choosing the right path.
Many people turn to me when faced with a life experience that has them stuck. Others reach out to connect with a loved one or animal who has crossed over to the other side.
Regardless of what is burdening you, I will help you discover and go towards the right direction.
During an intuitive reading, I may use a combination of an oracle card deck, a tarot deck, a pendulum, various charts, my intuition, and interactive discussion between myself and my client to receive clear guidance and information as it relates to my client’s questions.
I consider myself a facilitator of communication and information during an intuitive reading. My intention is to assist my clients through the journey of decision making via awareness and self-empowerment.
Healing sessions are individualized to each client and are guided by both your spirit guides and mine. Often times I will channel someone who has crossed over that was near and dear to your heart. These guides often lead our session.
Whether your session includes assistance from your personal guides, other spirit helpers with knowledge pertinent to you, or your soul family, your session will be specific to you. The healing modalities which are best suited for your particular needs and the personal guidance that comes through the session will be Intuitively guided.
There is no better healing experience than to know that your Spirit team is present and guiding the session. All you need to do is remain receptive and open. With Spirit as a co-facilitator, your healing intuitive reading session will exceed your expectations
My Intuitive readings are based on healing. These intuitive readings are truly transformational and unique. My services have been sought out by well known celebrities and people just like you.
People who are ready to stop standing in the shadows. People who are ready to truly and authentically live their truth.
I combine more than one modality and my Intuitive gifts to provide a custom intuitive reading and healing session for each person.
We spend the first 5-10 minutes discussing what the person is looking to get out of the energy healing intuitive reading session.
Once I determine where the energetic blockages are, I will determine what combination of modalities to use in the session. I have spent years developing my own unique healing guidance sessions.
Welcome to as of June 10, 2019 this website and business has updated its practices and policies. All current and new clients who use these services as of June 10, 2019 have read, understand and agree to the following terms and guidelines for the Wellness Coaching Plan.
My 10 cellular detoxification tips!
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My Top 10 Tips to Lose Weight Fast!
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My top 10 tips on discovering your spiritual Sadhana!