After feeling “looked at by many but known by few” I decided to turn my cell phone off over the weekend. I did this to reconnect with God. To reconnect with my yoga practice, my animals, and myself. I made the conscious choice of rediscovering the benefits of a Digital Detox.
I had my VA post to my stories for me and didn’t share anything on my platforms. I have also disconnected the messenger apps for Instagram and Facebook. This way, all messages go to my VA instead of me.
My discoveries...
Having trouble completing projects? I completed a home project and two business projects that I simply couldn’t find the time for prior. A headache that I began to get a few months ago disappeared. I reconnected with a friend I haven’t seen in years. I hit my yoga mat every morning consistently.
With all this newfound time on my hands, I decided to research the symptoms of people who truly needed a Digital Detox! My findings were alarming though not shocking!
Six Signs You Need a Digital Detox
1) You spend more time than intended on your devices.
2) You feel guilt/dissatisfaction afterward or like you just don't measure up in society.
3) You are suddenly motivated by a fear of missing out or you feel like you are not producing enough in your business or career.
4) You experience sudden urges to check your social media (how many likes, comments, etc.)
5) You never have enough time in your day to spend with loved ones, pets or to complete important projects.
6) You experience headaches often
Above are only a small few of the side effects of being addicted to social media, the news, and other technologies. I could have extended that list further down to be completely honest with you.
There is a balance to everything in life and although I have been consistently sharing on social media for 10 years, I don't intend on continuing. I am finding more balance out in nature, within my yoga practice, and by connecting with friends, clients, and loved ones. Not over social media, but in the flesh.
We can never get wasted time back in this life. And if we are constantly having our cell phone in our hands what will we have as regret at the end of our short time here on earth?
Are you ready to transform “Looked at by many and known by few” into “looked in on by few and known personally by many”? Let's take a look at ten ways you can easily make this happen!
Six Tips to take a technology break!
1) Turn your device off
Turn your device off when you leave your home and leave your purse (with your cell) in the trunk! I actually do this often. I began doing it to avoid texting and driving. It's such a joy to listen to music while driving! Or, to roll the windows down and to be overwhelmed by the fresh air! Try this, you just may love it!
2) Don't buy into the hype
Stop comparing yourself on social media to others. Seventy-five percent of what you see on social media is fake. The majority of people only share the positive parts of their lives, not the argument they had with their husband or girlfriend last week. In fact, a study was done found here proves that too much time spent on social media actually leads to more depressive thoughts.
3) Employ the 25 rule
I have 25 people that I can actually see on social media. Even on my Facebook personal page found here that has 22,000 followers and 5000 friends. I actually have unfollowed everyone's posts outside of my family’s. And I've done this for years! Trust me, it will work wonders in your life! If you need to know how someone is doing, call them up. This is what real connection is all about.
4) Remove messaging apps from your device!
This was a game-changer for me. Messaging apps such as the ones that Facebook and Instagram provide will drain you of your time and life-force energy. When I removed these apps from my social media phone, I realized how much time I REALLY had available to me.
5) Get a second phone and keep your social media phone off for 90% of your day!
I realize this may seem extreme but with the recent "change of terms and agreements" that many social media platforms have put in place, it's a must in order to protect your privacy. The benefits of having one phone designated for your business and social media and then a second phone for personal use are astounding!
I use my "tech phone" once in the afternoon and then for any client or business meetings I have. It's generally turned off promptly at 5 pm.
Only 12 people have my personal number. Honestly, after practicing this for a year, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
6) Get outside
This is the way of the masters! The bottom line is nature heals. If you've not mastered the skill of being in nature a minimum of one hour per day (rain or shine), there has never been a better time than now!
Being in nature allows our cells to regenerate and our mind to rejuvenate.
Could it be this easy?
Could changing your life and improving your health really be as simple as turning your cellular device off on the weekends? For me, it's looking to be the case.
More irony...
Ironically, the most popular detox program that I created 9 years ago that EVERYONE loses weight on is called "The Digital Detox"! Check it out here! Although this program isn’t about taking time off of your devices, (it's actually about how to detox through the foods we eat), it works!
It's a program guaranteed to cleanse you of one pound of toxic waste per day.
I love you, please love yourself