Men are such beautiful creatures! So incredibly simple, very visual and yes, they feel just as we do! They just want to be listened to, appreciated, respected and loved! It really is that simple! Too often women try to complicate things. If only women were wired to listen more and talk just a little bit less. This World would have a plethora of smiling male faces:)
Here are my five tips on how to let your man know you appreciate him on a daily basis!
TIP #1 Say Thank you!
Yes ladies it really is that simple! Taking notice of the little things such as when he brings in the trash cans or sends you flowers is HUGE for a man! Simply utter the following words "thank you sweetheart"! SIDE NOTE: Watch how much more he does for you when you utter those words! He will be so eager to please you!
TIP #2 Keep yourself up!
Yes…men are VERY visual! You don't have to look like a super model to score the man of your dreams! That being said, keeping your nails, feet, hair and clothes up to date and pretty is something that every man appreciates! Men love women who care for themselves!
TIP #3 Respect your King!
A man will sense when you've lost respect for him! Soon after he will pull away! Show him how much you respect him by listening to him when he talks about his day. Always speak positive about him to others! This includes your best friends and your family! Nothing is more poisonous to a relationship than speaking poorly about your man to your friends. When things aren't going well confide in your journal!
TIP #4 Shut your mouth occasionally!
I know I will get several comments about this one but ladies its true…we talk way too much! Try this little experiment! The next time your man comes home say nothing…not a word! Be completely open to listening to what happened during his day! Walk over to him and give him the most sensuous kiss on he lips! Have a meal ready! Watch how more eager he is to listen to how your day went after coming home to that!
TIP #5 Tell him you appreciate him daily!
Ahhh this one is SO important! Saying those three little words "I appreciate you" will stick with him like glue throughout his day! Men LOVE to feel appreciated and often feel as though they are not:( It's our jobs to remind them of this! DAILY!