Let's face it, addiction to ANY substance... food, drugs and alcohol can be tough. The majority of my clients who engage in my intuitive health and wellness coaching generally have at least one vice (if not more)!
If they aren’t suffering with an addiction to food, alcohol or drugs (especially prescription drugs), they have a degenerative disease such as cancer. If you are struggling, lets talk!
But first, lets talk about why detoxification is so important! How detoxification works, and more importantly than that, let's discuss 5 reasons you need to detox now! I also want to mention MTHFR gene mutations and how this one hidden factor is key in your bodies ability to detoxify!
How does detoxification work?
The primary detoxification organs are the gut, liver and kidneys. Our bowels and urinary tract are also important (not quite as important as the liver), because they help excrete toxins through our bile and urine. Skin helps eliminate toxins through our sweat. In addition, our lungs are important for mainly expelling CO2.
To sum it up, these are the organs involved in our detoxification pathways or, what I like to refer to as "the detoxification portal".
If you suffer from having one of the MTHFR gene mutations this could be aiding to your sluggish metabolism and your bodies inability to detox properly! More on this below! Read my article "Could an MTHFR gene mutation be limiting your body’s ability to lose weight and detoxify", here!
When it comes to detoxification, our liver is our body’s primary filtration system. It’s the star of the show. The liver works tirelessly day after day to cleanse our blood, excrete waste and metabolize nutrients. It also helps us store vitamins, supports our immune function, and removes dietary and environmental threats as to avoid toxic accumulation overload.
FACT: All of my clients that come to me agree to partake in coffee enemas on their own. Why? Because coffee enemas stimulate the portal vein to release old bile from the liver.
With the help of our kidneys, the liver is our detoxification workhorse. Whether it’s too much alcohol, a non-organic diet or a round of prescription medication, the liver helps filter and detoxify any materials that aren’t supposed to circulate in our body.
The Process that the liver goes through
1. The liver uses enzymes and oxygen to prepare toxins for removal.
2. The second step is when our body actually eliminates them through bile, stool and urine.
3. The kidneys regulate proper mineral balance, support hormone excretion, flush out urinary bacteria, support a healthy pH and more.
Why is it so important to detox? Are there reasons you need to detox?
While a healthy body uses those organs to detoxify naturally, we live in an increasingly toxic world. As a result, our detoxifying organs aren’t always able to keep up. Especially when we do not methylate properly (40% of the population does not methylate to their full potential due to specific gene mutations). Without these key factors, our detoxification pathways simply cannot take it!

You clean your home on a regular basis, right? You start by wiping the counter, scrubbing the floors, cleaning the bathrooms and doing the dishes. You need to be doing the same for your body! There’s no quick fix when it comes to bettering your health, but there are things you can do to set yourself on the right path to high level wellness. One of them is to introduce certain foods and supplements. I love this list of detoxifying foods here.
1. Toxicity exists everywhere!
We are bombarded by toxins everyday. Our bodies are able to filter many of these toxins, but eventually we become overload.
With toxins in everyday products, such as air fresheners and candles, our homes can be even more toxic than the outdoors. We slather chemicals on our body the moment we step out of the shower. And lets not even discuss the chemicals in our food. It's time for you to say goodbye to toxins and hello to nature!
2. You will be setting an example for your family, coworkers and friends
A worthwhile detox is one that involves implementable habits and actionable tools that you can incorporate easily into your daily life. Sure, you can drink a shake for 10 days, or go on a low carb diet for a month but what happens after that? You immediately fall back into old toxic habits. During MY 31-DAY LEAN IS CLEAN DETOXIFICATION PORTAL PROGRAM, I include a variety of food combinations that will have the weight and the toxins falling off of you! You'll also receive my three plant-based recipe books, an extensive grocery list, daily workouts and more to help you implement a long-term approach to living a life full of vitality that will have you aging in reverse!
3. You will feel and look better
Have you ever seen a landfill? Garbage upon garbage piles up creating an incredible stench and piles of trash! The same thing happens to our detox pathways when we’re exposed to too many toxins. We become tired, moody, sluggish, achy, fatigued, bloated and begin to age rapidly. Many of us don’t connect what we eat to how we feel. Detoxing can make a world of a difference when it comes to healing our symptoms and to us truly feeling better.
4. Weight loss that will reduce your chances of getting a degenerative disease
Packaged foods, carbohydrates that do not come from whole foods sources and sugar are addictive. Sugar really is the new nicotine. In fact, studies suggest that sugar is even more addictive than cocaine! If you experience a daily sweet tooth, you will benefit GREATLY from my program. Although there’s usually a period where you might experience some withdrawal symptoms, a detox can help you unhook yourself from cravings and other hyper-palatable foods. You’ll start to realize just how good you feel replacing inflammatory foods with nutrient-dense options. Packaged processed foods will become a thing of the past! My detox will teach you what food and what combinations of foods will work with your body type to cause instant weight loss!
5. Your hormones are begging for help
Got raging (or non raging) hormones? Are you moody? Do you lose your temper often or cry at the drop of a hat? When our liver is overburdened, it can contribute to the re-circulating of hormones (that should have left the body) creating imbalances that cause a wide range of symptoms. These symptoms can include hair loss, mood swings and painful periods. This can also cause us to age rapidly! Detoxing can give our liver and our hormones the reset that they need!
Ready to take your health to the next level? Join me for MY NEXT 31-DAY LEAN IS CLEAN DETOXIFICATION PORTAL PROGRAM! But don’t just read about about — I am here to tell you all about the transformative program, what to expect, how it’s different from other detox programs and, most importantly, how it can benefit you!
Here is a link to my holistic health and wellness coaching Fill out the form and let's see if we are a good fit. You have nothing to lose but years of toxicity and stubborn fat! Let's discuss what form of cellular detoxification is for you.