Detox, Lose weight, rid your body of toxins and reboot your system in just 7 days!

Do you suffer from any of the following?

If any of these apply to you, this could be a sign that you are in desperate need of a serious cleanse to rid your body of the accumulation of toxins. 

We are exposed to toxins every day in the air, in the food we eat, in alcohol, drugs, and even in our every day cleaning products and toiletries.  If we do not cleanse our bodies of these toxins, they can have negative effects such as the ones above, and eventually they can even lead to serious illness.  

I've worked with hundreds of clients at my exclusive cleansing retreats and through my VIP coaching programs who have these same problems. 

Taking my years of knowledge and research on detoxification, I’ve put together programs that gave them results in as little as 3 days and helped them reach their overall health goals. 

Andrea with fruits

I've taken that same protocol that my clients pay $2700-$3700 for and put it into an easy-to-follow online program, "The 7 Day Juicy Cleanse" for just $350!

By completing my 7 Day Juicy Cleanse program, you will have: 

Have you ever met a person who seemed to THRIVE?

Maybe this person seemed to be GLOWING from the inside out! Most likely they were into detoxification, cleansing and juicing! 

Have you ever looked into juicing and thought it just looked to complicated with all the different recipes and juicers to choose from? 

Have you ever thought that you simply wouldn’t be able to complete a juicing program out of fear that you would get hungry and break your fast? 

Hi there, My name is Andrea Cox and I created this fool proof program to end all of that negative self talk once and for all! 

beautifl cover

I’ve created a fail proof program just for you! You actually get to consume food every day of your juicing program if you choose! YOU DON’T EVEN NEED A JUICER! 

A good blender and nut milk bag can do the trick too! The best part of this program is you don’t have to buy any fancy supplements or gimmicks. Just eat real organic produce! I even have a shopping list for you for when you go to the store! 

First time cleanser?

Detox Juice

NO PROBLEM! Andrea has you covered every step of the way and will be holding your hand throughout the entire process! Are you an athlete or a person who has specific calorie or hunger concerns? Not an issue! This program was designed to cover all of your caloric needs! 


Again you will be enjoying a solid meal every day!!! 

You really don’t have anything to lose! Except that extra weight around your mid section, butt, and thighs! 

This Comprehensive seven day full body cleansing and rejuvenation program will be delivered to you in a daily video format with a live interactive chat room for you to ask questions directly to Andrea! You’ll get 7 daily videos with daily recipes that cleanse and detoxify the following organs of the body!  

Here's the 7 Days at a Glance:

With just one easy payment  of $350, you'll gain full access to a program that has transformed thousands of lives! 

You will get Andrea’s secret herbal elixir tonic recipes formulated to reduce the population of unwanted parasitic “guests” in your Gut!

Renew your energy and revive your spirit! Eliminate toxins and waste! Strengthen the bodies immune defenses! Recolonize your healthy gut bacteria! Even if you are an experienced cleanser you can and will benefit from this specific organ cleansing regimen! 

I know you are MORE than ready to end the battle with emotional eating! You’re ready to CRUSH candida, yeast, and fungal infections in their tracks! 

You’re ready to learn how to detox specific organs to give you an intense GLOW that you’ve never had before! You’re ready to shine your light and ready to stop hiding because of that excess weight you’ve been carrying around for far too long!  

So lets do this!

My cleanse is like the peeling of an onion.  

By peeling layers of age, debris, and toxins off of your body, you will emerge after these 7 days as a beautiful new you.

Not only will you be consuming fresh juice during your cleanse, you will also eat healthy solid foods, many of which are raw, and none of which are refined.

Juicy Cleanse

Throughout the cleanse, you will be able to indulge in fatty foods such as avocado, young coconut, and many others.

There’s even a little room for dark chocolate!

The key to the system is to remain fully satisfied throughout your cleanse so you don’t reach for packaged processed foods.

Now yours for only $350!  

Thank you for putting your trust in me. Blessings, and be well my little juicing kings and queens,
love Andrea & Louis!


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Andrea & her "husband with fur" Louis!

Andrea & her "husband with fur" Louis!

About Andrea

Andrea Cox ~ Intuitive Healer, Detox Queen & Modern Day Medicine Woman

Blooming in the lush farmlands of Ohio, Andrea began her transformation journey as a 5’10” fitness and glamour model-turned-Best Selling Author, Detox Specialist, and has more recently become known as an Intuitive Healer and modern day Medicine Woman. She realizes firsthand the power of living, raw vegan foods, juicing and elixir tonics, since healing from an eating disorder by using detoxification protocols to better tune into her intuition.

The Turning Point

After winning the battle over bulimia and anorexia, Andrea wrote her first book, Raw-lic-ous Recipes while still living in her small town of Dayton, Ohio. Since then, Andrea has dedicated her life to service and helping others overcome food addictions, cancer, and degenerative diseases. 

She furthers her education in holistic health and nutrition consistently at institutions such as CAHA Academy of Holistic Arts, Ingram Method of Reflexology, Optimal Health Institute, The International School of Detoxification, and a world-renowned herbal study program.

Andrea finds so much joy in growing beautiful plant-based living foods, creating fresh-pressed juices and elixirs; fusing yoga and fitness with hydrotherapy, Andrea leads an active, high-vibrational lifestyle and inspires others who follow her on social media. She shares all of it generously with her millions of followers daily through her YouTube Channel, Facebook, IG & Twitter.

Dive Into Andrea’s Alchemy

Andrea runs spiritual fasting detox retreats. 

On AndreaCoxTV, she teaches the benefits of juicing, fasting, and medicinal plants along with cellular detoxification through natural hygiene. She shares raw vegan recipes & detox protocols with the alchemic process of her signature elixir tonics.

Andrea’s first YouTube Channel, AndreaCoxTV, hit over 4 million views and counting! Her personal Facebook page has close to 25,000 followers! Plus, Andrea’s AMAZING organic vegan alchemic product line has incredible reviews. Her four products work synergistically in the body to create the health and beauty people want.

Andrea’s Raw Detox Formula, Sexy and Raw Hair, Skin & Nails Formula, and Smiling Gut Pro-Pre Biotic Formula, can be found on her + site at in the shop section. They’re alongside her two books, Juicing For Beauty and Raw-Lic-ous Recipes.

Andrea’s clients love her group and VIP retreats. Andrea created these retreats and VIP experiences based on her philosophy that everyone deserves to be healthy, rejuvenated and beautiful—that gift is priceless.

Andrea’s Reach Expanded

In 2019 Andrea created a second successful business and YouTube channel based in the spiritual arts, TheDetoxIntuitive. Andrea’s gift of combining living foods with her intuitive gifts allows her to bridge these two fields she’s passionate about. Through this union, she became known for using the motto: “Your issues live in your tissues. In order to clean up your relationships and finances, you must first cleanse and purify your body temple.” She lives this motto by growing her own food, having a gifted green thumb, and thriving during food foraging hikes. It’s Andrea’s committed service to animals that stands out to the people who know her. Her animal rescue efforts span across the states into Mexico. From a young age, Andrea never grasped the concept of how people could love their family pet but then place a pig, cow or other animal onto their dinner plate.

Andrea’s greatest wish was to help create a vegan world and that’s exactly what she’s doing—not only for longevity reasons but for the health and saving grace of our planet.

From Caterpillar To Butterfly

The youngest of three girls, Andrea’s parents were high school sweethearts. Andrea’s father was an Ohio State Trooper and coached baseball, where he was said to be a pro! Eventually, he started his own trucking company. Unfortunately, Andrea’s father lost his life in an auto accident at age 36 when Andrea was ten. Andrea’s mother worked for a boutique and moonlighted secretary positions to make ends meet. She took pride in raising three beautiful strong girls. Andrea left home at 17 to pursue her dreams. As a survival mechanism, she entered bikini contests at 20 and by 22, was talent-spotted at the Atlanta, GA airport by a former National Geographic photographer, who was shooting for various glamour magazines. After shooting with him, Andrea began a career as a pin-up and glamour model. Her first glamour photo shoot landed her the cover of not one, but five magazines, including the notorious Australian Black and White Edition. After that she did a variety of well-known glamour magazines. One of her favorite’s was the billboard and posters for Red Bull.
This goes completely against the grain of health that Andrea believes in today! Stimulants and diet drinks are thankfully a thing of the past for Andrea and her clients.

Andrea was featured on a Cover Girls calendar and was a spokesmodel for the Ashley Talent Agency in Ohio, moving into a more expansive media exposure range. She appeared in a segment of Passport and a commercial for Indiana State Lottery. At this pivotal point, Andrea became captivated by the health and fitness world to keep up with a demanding modeling career. Andrea became a fitness model by 24. After spotting a fitness magazine at her local grocery store, she told her boyfriend at the time, “I’m going to be on the cover of this magazine.” Two months later, she was successful! With her strong passion for working out, Andrea quickly realized she wanted to create a dynamic brand for herself. She dropped her pseudonym and became the go-to eye candy to get the men to buy and love the magazines. Magazine covers soon followed!

Andrea has the largest magazine layout for a female in noncompetitive pump fitness Muscular Development Magazine to date. She shot for spreads and covers in over 20 fitness magazines. She even shot with the famous Vogue photographer, Maurice Rinaldi.

During this time, Andrea’s health began to fail, due to her high protein diet and ongoing two year battle with bulimia. The sudden change in her health forced Andrea to look at her nutritional choices and what needed to change. This was the gift that allowed her to discover the life-changing powers of juicing, fasting, detoxification, and raw living foods. Andrea soaked up the information and made the changes that needed to be made. One of her most famous quotes was born, “Live food, live body, dead food, dead body.” 

Massive Rebirth & Transformation

That year, Andrea decided to follow her newfound success with raw living foods by going to New York to meet the author of a popular raw foods book. On that trip Andrea learned the author of the book was not responsible for the advice in the book, but rather it was the author’s colon hydrotherapist who had the real knowledge. Andrea says, “I can always tell when someone truly knows their craft!”

This was the event that changed Andrea’s life forever. Little did she know this was going to be the driving force that motivated her onto a more influential path. After nurturing herself with living foods, juices and intermediate fasting to heal naturally, she was ready to share this with everyone she meets. This change Andrea had to make for herself was the game-changer. The chrysalis began to break open and the butterfly started to emerge. Her decade-long journey of healing had officially begun! This is also why Andrea generously supports the “buy local” movement. She knows her farmers by name and vice versa. 

Being Led By Source

“This journey I walk is one that I have been led to by source and that source for me is God.” Inspired by the mere thought that she could change her health on a cellular level, she underwent an intense healing journey for her body, mind and soul. Andrea did a 40-day juice fast to detox, followed by seven days to water fast. She experienced firsthand the healing benefits of raw foods and juicing. She immersed herself in a raw vegan lifestyle for the first time ever. She then attended the California Academy of Healing Arts, studying holistic healing and got her certification in reflexology. Andrea’s journey deepened when she worked closely with a Shaman for a year to learn more about detoxification through body and spirit.

Andrea learned both men and women suffer from eating disorders that often have a mental (or psychological) component to them. Andrea began sharing her experience and valuable knowledge within the raw vegan community—carving out a niche as a powerful force in the vegan and eating disorder communities; furthermore, she secured a name for herself in the detox field. As her clients say, “Detox just comes naturally to Andrea!” Andrea created her first website at 28, While Andrea changed the name of that robust website, it continues to provide a rich volume of information on healthy ways to maintain and improve wellbeing by using food as medicine. Andrea is a firm believer in the mind–body connection. She’s become deeply spiritual since finding the Lord.

Andrea’s Books

Andrea’s books, Raw-lic-ous Recipes, is an autobiographical and self-help health advice book. It details how she healed bulimia by juicing, eating only living foods and cleansing through fasting. Andrea’s second book, Juicing For Beauty, is a collection of her all-time favorite juice, smoothie and soup recipes. It helps all health-conscious individuals eat healthier with less time spent in the kitchen.

Andrea’s third book, Sexy On Salads, contains her favorite salads that have kept her slim and sexy over the years! Her latest book, Eat Right 4 Your Zodiac, draws from cosmic jewels of wisdom, pairing astrology with (mostly raw) vegan recipes ideally cultivated for each zodiac sign and by element—earth, air, water, and fire.

Andrea’s Signature Health & Beauty Products

Andrea has most recently created a line of humic and fulvic acid detoxification products, probiotics and hair & skincare remedies called Andrea’s Raw Detox Formula, Raw and Sexy Hair Skin and Nails Formula, Smiling Gut Probiotic and Andrea’s Colon Smooth.

Featured Publication Writer

Andrea has been commissioned to write for hundreds of publications such as The Dayton Daily News, The Chiropractic Journal, Fashion5.0, Natural Living Magazine, The Huffington Post and The Good Men Project.

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(Cleanse) The 7 Day Juicy Cleanse

Learn how to grow your own organic food, while creating delicious elixir tonics, smoothies, and Andrea’s signature juices!

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