Going through life without a spiritual routine is a major lack of self-care. One must create a morning routine to follow that allows you to stay balanced, mentally, emotionally, and physically. What you do first thing in the morning can set the tone for the rest of the day. Even if you have heavy burdens and tasks on your “to do” list, a spiritual practice prior to the sun coming up can be life changing! Before I share 7 Tips To Create A Spiritual Morning Routine let's talk about what you shouldn’t be doing upon waking.
For many people, mornings are a time to rush around or to scroll through notifications, social media posts (which contributes to anxiety).
By having a morning spiritual practice; you follow for a more inspiring, productive day. Each of these practices only requires the first hour of your day.
7 Tips To Create A Spiritual Morning Routine
1. Wake Up Early without an alarm clock
Create a habit to get to bed early and wake up earlier. I used to stay up till midnight and sometimes 1 AM. I realized that these late nights were causing me to lose the precious morning hours where my mind was at its sharpest and my energy levels were high.
By waking up an hour early prior to the sun rising you can get in precious moments with your animals, smell the fresh brisk morning air, and even catch the sunrise!
Your days may be chaotic, and you may not have time for a break. But this routine allows you to experience a sense of inner peace before you even power on your cell phone.
2. Meditate your way into developing A Spiritual Morning Routine
Meditation is a key component in starting your day off right. Lay down and focus on your breath, without any interruptions, you will begin to feel a sense of peace and inner calm. I like to choose a word a mantra that I focus on every time I meditate and I just repeat it out loud during the meditation. Allow yourself to experience stillness as you focus on your mantra.
If you’re not sure how to start, you can always Youtube “Morning Meditation” to help guide you. I use this one.
3. Move Your Body
I love to hike on the mountain behind my home every morning with my dogs. The fresh air and the time spent with my little spirit animals is so very precious to me.
On mornings where it’s too cold to walk I often do an hour long yoga practice in my living room.
A simple morning walk or yoga is a great way to start your day. I’ve found a morning walk to be quite beneficial. A simple breath of fresh air while watching the sun rise is therapeutic. If you find yourself struggling first thing in the morning, you may be too tired. Readng this article on better sleep may help you.

4. Create a time blocking to do list
To do lists are outdated. I’ve found with my clients and myself time blocking lists work much better. By blocking out a few hours of my day for work, physical movement, and even times for solitude and eating are very beneficial.
I get done 90% of what I need to get done and this is important while running two businesses.
You can also write out affirmations along side your time blocking list.
Examples of what type of affirmations you can write are:
- Money flows to me
- I am protected by angels
- Every cell in my body vibrates with health and vitality
- I attract positive people in my life
- I am happy, healthy, and beautiful
- All my needs are met
5. Read something positive and pull an Oracle card
Choose something empowering to read! For me, this comes from the Bible or the Kabbalah. There’s so many scriptures in the Bible that are positive and call on protection of you. I find that the scriptures are the most helpful in the morning hours when fear can crop up surrounding our need to provide for ourselves and our families.
I also pull an oracle card at this time and light a non toxic candle to remind myself to slow down and tune in.
Remember, No Phones Allowed! The point here is to keep your mind away from useless information in the morning.
6. Cleanse your space
Cleaning is a spiritual act! When your external world is clean, organized, neat and tidy, your mind experiences ease. There is no mystery that your physical space has an impact on your mood. Before getting up to start your day, make your bed, and clean your floors.
I use a blend of herbs that I grow and crush up in my cleaning solutions along with essential oils. Once every three months I have a group of ladies that come and perform a deep clean on my house.
7. Spend time in nature with your spirit animals or animals in nature.
As I mentioned above, early morning hours spent with my animals out in nature is precious to me. But my animals are not my only spirit guides. I literally talk to birds and don’t find this crazy at all.
In my new home it literally feels like a bird sanctuary every time I walk out the front door each morning. I am a watcher of birds and have been told in a past life that I was Native American a shaman of male decent. I believe this to be true.
I find time in sunlight just listening to the birds to be a very therapeutic way to start my day.
Final thoughts
I hope you use my 7 Tips To Create A Spiritual Morning Routine in your life! Remember, it’s the small habits you incorporate into your daily routine that will transform your life. A simple spiritual practice can have a long term effect on your well-being. The only thing you have to do is, start today!
Remember, making time to do nothing will be gratifying to your soul.