Having facilitated both juice fasting and water fasting retreats for over a decade now, I think I can safely speak on this subject. The health benefits of leaving solid foods and more specifically processed foods behind for a few days or even weeks while partaking in a juice fast is highly beneficial at a cellular level.
The side effects are much gentler than a water fast and the detoxification symptoms are much less too.
14 juice cleanse tips for an easy & safe juice cleanse
Below, you'll find 14 pre, during and post juice cleanse tips (broken down into different categories to help you take the juicy plunge onto a juice fast! I've even included a couple tips to "break fast".
How to prepare for a juice cleanse (mentally & physically)
How does one prepare for a juice cleanse and a water fast retreat? This is a question I get often.
1. Prepare your body and your mind will follow
I always tell my guests to begin preparing their mind by actually following the pre-cleanse diet I send them. This way, they are more mentally peaceful once they have arrived knowing they did the pre juice cleanse diet.
2. Eliminate all forms of caffeine
Caffeine (including coffee) is a stimulant. You really must rid your body of all forms of caffeinated beverages in order to set the proper mindset in place. The better mindset the better detoxing cleanse you will have.
3. Consult a nutritionist
I always have my guests first speak to their doctor before attending one of my retreats. If you feel really uneasy about your choice to attend a juice cleanse or a water fast retreat you may also want to speak to a nutritionist.
Many times my client will speak to a psychologist. They simply find they have issues of letting go of certain binge eating patterns they've had since childhood. I always find these are my clients who feel most at ease on their first day of their juice cleansing experience.
How to start a juice cleanse
Another common question I get is how to start a juice cleanse?
1 A few days prior to your cleanse (two weeks is perfect), switch to a plant-based diet.
This will allow you to have fewer toxins in your body as you begin your cleanse.
2. Hydration is key!
Prior to beginning your juice cleanse I recommend you drink half a gallon of purified water each day.
3. Trade in those strenuous workouts for hot yoga
Yoga calms the mind and will create the perfect mental space to dive into your juice fast retreat!
4. Start your day with lemon water
This may sound like a small tip but it's one that really helps get the liver stimulated to release old bile.
5. End your day with a nut milk or warming broth.
I love a good warmed cashew milk with ceylon cinnamon to stabilize my blood sugar levels at the end of each day.
How to survive a juice cleanse and make it to the end!
A lot of clients prior to booking a juice fasting retreat ask me "how to survive a juice cleanse". I always begin with the same sentence "Look at a juice cleanse as a new beginning on your wellness journey".
1. Do partake in a pre-cleanse
I never allow anyone to enter my healing sanctuary prior to partaking in the pre-cleanse. A pre-cleanse diet is a must as one cannot simply wing off unfit substances such as caffeine.
2. Prepare your juices ahead of time
Yes, it's true that you will loose some enzymes when pre making your juice however, when stored properly the juice is not compromised.
3. Focus on reading, writing and being in nature instead of spending time on line or watching TV.
4. Have herbal detox teas handy
Non stimulating herbal teas are a must on your juice fast. Not only are they comforting in the morning, they'll keep you warm at night.
5. Keep your goal in mind
Whether it's a day cleanse or a longer term of juice cleansing, juicing fruits and veggies is the way to long term wellness and cellular detoxification.
How to break a juice fast properly
A vital component of juice fasting is breaking the fast.
1.It's vitally important to wait until you are truly hunger to break your fast.
The number one mistake people make is to eat prior to their body is ready.
2. Make sure to break your fast with fresh local organic produce
Consuming foods sprayed with pesticides will result in one bot feeling their best.
3. It is best to break a fast with a mono fruit meal such as melon. Melon is an easy-to-digest fruit that only takes the body roughly twenty-thirty minutes to digest. On day two of breaking your fast, it is perfectly fine to introduce green vegetables. By day three (depending on the length of the juice fast), eating cooked foods such as sweet potatoes and quinoa may also be introduced.
Conclusion/Final points/Key takeaways
Both types of fasting are highly effective especially when done over a longer period of time. Long-term water fasts are more for people who are facing a serious illness. Water fasting should not be considered the main tool to lose weight. As for weight reduction, juice fasting is a better choice but not a long-term solution. You have to change your eating habits and lifestyle, which may be difficult and challenging.
If you are interested in learning about water fasting see my water fasting tips article to learn some great water fasting tips. I also have fantastic fact-filled articles on how to do a juice fast.
How is a water fast different from a juice fast?
In my humble opinion, there is no comparison between a juice fast vs a water fast! I speak a lot about water fasting here.
Two forms of fasting are very beneficial when it comes to detoxing the body, mind, spirit, and soul. Weight loss is inevitable with both forms of fasting. More so with water fasting, however. With water fasting, the water is used to filter through fat cells and other cellular parts of the body, while washing away unwanted toxins. This form of fasting helps you lose water weight faster and can reduce your chances of developing heart-related illnesses as well as diabetes.
Juicing or juice cleansing is similar to water fasting in the sense that we are giving our bodies a break from normal food intake, however with this process, we are cleansing in the form of detox where we ingest only juice, water, and teas for a number of days. Your body is still getting calories, unlike water fast, allowing the juice fast to go on for much longer. The body now receives nourishment through the juices, including vitamins, iron, nutrients, and calories it needs to detox the body.
The type of juice you drink definitely matters! Ensuring that you are ingesting quality ingredients will elevate the experience, and you will get the most benefit from the process. Pure juice, therefore, allows for you to get more phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins compared to buying juice that is not cold-pressed off grocery store shelves.
As described above, the primary difference is that with a juice cleanse, you are intaking calories, while none are consumed while on a water fast, as water contains no calories. With a juice fast, you are consuming calories, and one must watch the sugar content of juices, which contain sugar.
The next major difference is ketosis. Unlike in juice fasts, the process of ketosis kicks in during a water fast. Ketosis is the most differentiating factor other than calorie intake. Once a body reaches ketosis it is relying on using the body’s stored fats for energy meaning we are “burning fat”. Once in this burning fat mode most inflammatory disease progression will slow if not stop altogether during the fast.
The last major difference is the length of both fasts. Water fasts go on rarely for more than a few days. Our bodies need calories for energy. Juice cleanses can go on for longer, as we are in-taking calories from the juice.
Do you lose weight on a juice cleanse?
Depending on the period of time one fasts for yes, weight loss is inevitable! My clients usually lose 1-2 pounds of unnecessary toxins and weight.
Can I eat anything during a juice cleanse?
Ideally one will have a "last meal" prior to starting their juice fast. The pre-cleanse will consist of a diet of whole foods eliminating foods that carry an underlying allergen factor such as cashews, brown rice, peanut butter, and any gluten-containing products especially wheat. In fact, I always request my clients eliminate all white flour, white sugar, and processed foods.
How many days should you juice cleanse?
In order to achieve positive results, I have my clients fast 3-7 days. The majority of juice cleansing retreats I run last five days.
Can I drink coffee on a juice cleanse?
I always recommend my clients stay away from coffee during their juice cleanse. In fact, when I hand out my "pre-cleanse" diet for my juice fasting retreat clients, I always have them wing off of all stimulating substances including coffee.
Can you gain weight with juicing?
When I hear people who say juicing made them gain weight I always chuckle. Fresh fruit, vegetables, and juice never make anyone gain weight. What will make a person gain weight is poor eating habits combined with eating processed foods.
How much should you drink on a juice fast?
I always lead my juice cleansing clients onto the thought process of always intaking as much juice as needed to sustain their energy levels. This also helps them when dealing with detoxification systems.
How do you break a juice fast without gaining weight?
The way I tend to guide my clients on breaking their juice fast is always with a fresh mono fruit meal. This tends to eliminate the tendency for one to gain weight when transitioning back onto solid foods. The rule of thumb is to never break a fast with processed foods. This can cause serious side effects.
Interested in partaking in a five day juice fast? Check out Alkalize with Andrea Juice fasting retreats here! Below are Andrea's past juice fasting clients enjoying a healthy good time!