Do you ever feel like you may be in a karmic relationship, friendship, or environment?
Having the astrological placements I do, this has always been a bit of an issue for me. I have Pisces exulted in Venus. This placement can cause both men and women to form a toxic obsession with me that simply does not exist. Sound narcissistic? It's not! Our astrological placements have a lot to do with other peoples's perception of us. Many times even a kind gesture or, helping a friend out may be construed in an unhealthy way.

What Is A Healthy Boundary?
What are the spiritual benefits of setting healthy boundaries?
Part of being a high vibrational person involves making sure that your physical, personal, and online boundaries are not crossed. Healthy boundaries protect our self-esteem, our personal private time, our precious time that we set aside for our family, friends and pets and our work environment. Extreme cases of needing to set boundaries (I have also needed to do this) protects your intellectual property such as your written work, ideas, photos and name.
Does setting healthy boundaries raise your vibration?
- I’m cool with following each other on social media, but not with sharing passwords
- I’m comfortable kissing and holding hands, but never in a public environment or, in front of family members
- I’m okay with regularly texting or messaging on social media, but I don’t want to text multiple times in an hour
- I want to spend time with my friends/family on weekends and will be shutting my phone off on weekends
- I need quiet time to myself every day
- I’m comfortable with some touching, but I’m not ready to have sex
- I need you to stop whining and holding a grudge when I don't return your call or message, we are not married or, in a relationship and it makes me feel very uncomfortable.
- I feel that you have used or stolen several of my ideas and written (copy written words) for your business but have never approached me and asked for permission nor have you given me any public recognition for my ideas that you have employed in your business and need to legally set healthy boundaries in this situation
- I think you are lying to me and involved with or trying to get to know other people romantically and want to let you know I am ending our romantic relationship
- I feel that you are stalking my social media accounts and leaving cruel comments using fake accounts and I have reported you
- I have been told you speak poorly about me to co-workers and will be disengaging from you completely
- I do not feel I am being recognized for my efforts in this company and therefore I will be taking myself elsewhere or am going to request to be moved to a different department
- I think you are overreacting and displaying childish behavior because I have had a lot going on and started drama in a work setting and therefore I am detaching my energy from you
Let's face it! Under the current state and federal mandates of restrictions, it has become difficult to enjoy life and travel like we did in the past. Many friends and family members we used to see face to face, we now only see online. People have suffered emotionally and therefore the lack of community has caused many to suffer within the realms of mental health.
However, all things must pass, and as the travel industry opens up and governments relax restrictions, you will soon be able to travel and visit with friends and family again. We have had a long time for reflection and what has become obvious is that the way of work and live has changed (for the better) forever. We have gone from tight office spaces to having the freedom and joy to work from home. Working from home, working while you travel, and working from anywhere is the new normal.
Having always worked from home I absolutely love working from home and always have. Nothings really changed for me on that aspect. However I have witnessed many people I love slipping mentally due to the restrictions.
Important tips to remember when you are new at setting healthy boundaries and ending codependent relationships.
1. You never know what someone else is going through.
2. You Only Owe Yourself!
3. Other people's rise or fall from grace is not your problem!
4. Ignore gossip and mindless chatter!
If you build it, they will come! Start building, designing and creating your life NOW! When it comes to the online world, focus on yourself and yourself alone. I never look at what others are doing on social media. That only slows me down. Not even my so called competition. The only time I have ever glanced at someones work other than my own is when I was alerted to plagiaristic activity (someone using my words as their own) and when someone had tagged me in a horrific post.
Bottom line, if you have the time to see what others are doing, you aren’t working hard enough!
5. Have no regrets and harbor no resentment!
6. Listen to your inner voice!
I have learned over time to listen to my inner voice and to voice my opinion rather than stay silent or to go with the crowd. I have also learned to speak the truth instead of saying what someone wants to hear. Let's face it, sometimes you are going to say things that people don't want to hear. Speak anyway. Never silence your voice to your inner knowing and truth. To cushion someones fall is not always the best way to teach.
7. Codependency and karmic hold the same meaning
The most valuable lesson I have learned while setting healthy boundaries and putting an end to codependent relationships...
It no longer serves me to build people up who tear me down. It no longer serves me to be overly nice, overly funny, or overly complementing to people who harbor jealousy, personal insecurities, and resentment in my direction.
Throughout Roger’s illness, I kept a strong face on social media because it is part of my business and I believe in keeping the two separate. His illness has been the most difficult experience I have ever dealt with. I dealt with my sweet rescue dog's cancer with grace as my heart continues to bleed for him today.
Below is a tribute to my sweet rescue dog Rodger who was laid to rest at 4:44am