How to access the akashic records - My story
About two years ago I began gaining access through my akashic records. It was a confusing scary time for me as memories from my childhood and memories from past lives of those around me became visibly clear.
Clarity came through my dreams
Clarity came through messages
Clarity came through my body breaking down
I spent a lot of time alone
I spent many nights crying
I isolated
I tried to bury it with different low vibrational vices. I allowed people who had no business being in my life to take up mental residency in my mind. But I knew the entire time that I was divinely protected. I knew because I witnessed a lot of other people being in much more pain than I was. A few people around me held such poetic compassion, love and space for me as I went through this process. They carried my pain as if it were their own.
At one point I know I was under a major spiritual attack. My words were not my own. My thoughts became scrambled and my life became an over abundant overstimulated over falsified movie that I no longer wanted to portray.
What I gained through this is something I wouldn’t trade for the world. It is also a gift that I wouldn’t wish upon anyone. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m experiencing unconditional love.
From every angle
Every connection
And every interaction past present and future
Even hatred and jealousy that comes towards me is transmuted into love.
My life’s lesson has been the path of the hermit. A path of learning how to embody unconditional love for others and how to teach them to embody unconditional love for themselves.
If we were connected over the past two years energetically or in the physical, know that
I see you
I recognize the gifts that we share and
I hold space for you in my heart always
Through unconditional love I now accept the spiritual gifts that are bestowed upon me with complete trust and gratitude.
I pray that each and every one of you allow yourself to be helped when assistance comes your way. Please act on it and say yes so that your spiritual gifts can be passed onto others. Don’t block yourself. Let life happen through you. You have so much love to give.
Ask for your ancestors help. I promise you, you will be empowered to accomplish tasks that you will not be able to manage on your own through the bestowal of a spiritual gift that only they can grant you.
In full on unconditional love, I love you! Please, love yourself!
Order your akashic record reading and learn how to re-write your future here.