The Lessons of Healing prior to taking in your first sauna session

Emotional, spiritual, and mental health benefits of regular sauna use Sauna sessions
1. Improved mood
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a naturally-occurring protein in the brain that lowers your risk of mental decline and uplifts your mood. It does this by protecting and increasing your brain cells. Many researchers consider it a natural antidepressant because it can reduce anxiety and depression.
2. Regular use of the sauna relieve pain and help treat fibromyalgia
Beta-endorphins are pain-relieving compounds that originate within your body.
Your brain produces and releases these natural painkillers during times of high stress, strenuous exercise, emotional stress, and pain.
Since saunas are a stressor, the release of endorphins are increased every time you have a sauna session.
Several studies have shown that heat stress and heat exposure in a dry sauna causes a significant increase in beta-endorphin levels
Research suggests that if you struggle with mental illness, you likely have reduced levels of BDNF. Luckily, there are ways to boost your BDNF levels. Using a sauna is one of the ways.
Research shows that heat exposure from the sauna increases the expression of BDNF
3. Regular Sauna use Induces better sleep
Having well-rested sleep is the most important thing you can do to increase your memory and cognition. Having high-quality deep sleep is vital to optimum brain function and mental health, one way to improve it is to use a sauna regularly. With soothing heat that penetrates deep into the skin, sauna sessions help relax the body tremendously. You will find that sleep comes easily and will last throughout the night when the sauna session is done prior to bed.
4. Using the sauna on a regular basis helps reduce cortisol levels
Regular use of both the far-infrared sauna and the traditional Finland-style hot coal saunas have been proven to decrease cortisol levels. Cortisol is the main stress hormone in your body which helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Excessive sweating induced by the sauna often decreases the level of frustration and enhances relaxation.
Essential oils can be used during the session to help soothe the mind and body. Check out one of my many essential oil videos here to empower you with information and provide clarity on which essential oils are better suited to your needs. By doing this, it will remove toxins from your body, decrease anxiety in both state and trait, and increase your resistance to stress.
5. Deep tissue cleansing effects of flushing out toxins
Your immune system must stand up against an arsenal of toxins that our ancestors never dreamt of. Toxins such as pesticides, toxic metals, PCBs in plastics, environmental pollution, sexually transmitted diseases, and even GMOs (genetically modified organisms found in foods). These toxins are combated against daily! Combining this with a lifelong poor diet is a set-up for accumulated toxins and a weakened immune system.
Luckily, infrared sauna treatments can give your body an extra push to eliminate these toxins. Allowing your body to sweat out through its largest organ of the body (the skin), years of accumulated waste. Regular use of the sauna has been shown in several studies to increase detoxification and lower circulating levels of toxins in the body.
6. Weight-loss
You've heard me say this a hundred times on my YouTube videos on Andrea Cox Tv, one cannot release past life karma, past relationship drama, childhood wounding, and addictions while carrying a tire belt around their stomach.
You must feel it in order to heal it. Chances are if you are carrying around excess weight, you are running from your emotions. Stuffing your feelings and pain down with food, drugs, sex, and or alcohol.
The sauna will not be the cure-all to this, however, it will help you release much-needed water weight and toxins.
Final thoughts
Physical, spiritual, and emotional health isn’t going to cure itself. In order to reinvent yourself as a better, more optimistic, and more grateful human, you need to take action. In preserving and creating well-being of all forms, saunas fair well in my opinion. I personally have used a sauna daily for over ten years. It can be difficult to sort out mental health. However when you adopt the principals that "your issues live in your tissues", you will find that deep tissue cleansing is a must in order to break free of the mental, emotional, past-life, past relationship, and childhood issues that bind you.
I love you, please love yourself ~ Andrea