The Biomat is a registered FDA medical device making it suitable for use in hospitals and therapeutic clinics. It is easy to use and safe to operate.
The benefits of the Biomat are plenty but here are just a few of our favorite healing properties of the amethyst infrared Biomat.
Benefits of the Biomat:
The radiant heat from the Biomat provides temporary relief of minor muscle pain and joint stiffness.
~ Relaxation of muscles
~ Temporary increase of local circulation
~ Relieves pain associated with arthritis
~ Helps with minor muscular back pain
~ Minor muscle pain
~ Minor joint pain and stiffness
~ Relieves all Joint pain
~ Muscle spasms
~ Minor sprains
~ Minor strains
~ Major improvement in reducing insomnia
~ Reduction in anxiety
~ improvement in dream retention
The technology of the Biomat was actually discovered by NASA. In the early days of the space program, Far Infrared Elements were placed in space suits to simulate life in sunshine in the frigid temperatures of space which was not adequately provided for by electric blanket technology.
Nobel Prize-winning research discovered the effect of negative ions on biological cells describing their detoxing effect. Biomats with Jade have been in production in the Orient since the 80's. Amethyst replaced Jade because of its filtering and natural healing properties and was introduced to the United State in the early 90's. FDA approval was listed on 5/24/99. Tens of thousands of Biomat Users extol upon its healing properties.
Andrea is a registered Richway Biomat Distributor
Andrea can help you with purchasing a Biomat.
Get therapeutic relief in the comfort of your own home whenever you need!
Many people buy the large Biomat to lay on and use the small biomat {a.k.a. the biomat mini} to lay on top of different body parts. Below is what Andrea charges for private sessions at her healing sanctuary. Imagine having this in your own home to utilize daily.
Private Sessions ~
Biomat Session alone 30 minutes $197
Biomat Session alone 60 minutes $247
Biomat Session with Sound Healing $597