New 2022 Trends In Gut Health mentioning humic & fulvic acid's role with prebiotics and probiotics is not news to me. I became fascinated with gut health 13 years ago when I created my prebiotic and probiotic formula, smiling gut. I knew back then that people who said a probiotic pill was not necessary and that you could get pre-and probiotics along with other nutrients to help these absorb we’re full of it.
The truth is, unless you have never been vaccinated and have eaten a perfect diet of organically grown fruits and vegetables since birth, you will need to supplement with a probiotic.
But don’t be fooled by all the hype in 2022 Trends In Gut Health, not all probiotics are the same. Gut health is more complex and takes more than just flooding your system with as many bacterias and in the highest CFUs available. This is a misfired approach that leads to an imbalance in delicate gut flora.
You hear so-called gut health experts all the time talking about getting your probiotics from "real food". However, you rarely hear them speak about taking probiotics with a prebiotic. And rarely do they reference taking humic and fulvic acid with probiotics which is a MUST in order to get the micro bacterial life in sync in your gut!
Another factor is that "real food" is difficult to come by these days. The soil simply does not contain the vitamins and minerals it once did. Not to mention most people are still buying packaged processed foods commonly found in the SAD (Standard Ameican Diet). Sadly, with gas and food costs on the rise, people just aren’t getting the nutrients they need.
Hitting the gut with loads of sauerkraut and kimchi just doesn’t cut it these days! That’s about as good as going swimming in the ocean at night with a blindfold on. You just don’t know what you’re going to end up with.
The 2022 Trends In Gut Health are all pointing to the same thing! Symbiotics in humic and fulvic acids. As opposed to just taking probiotics, symbiotics are fermented whole food living cultures that provide everything needed to support the gut environment along with the colonization of gut microbes.
These diverse bacteria are found in the clay humic and fulvic base of my smiling gut probiotic. I am proud to have figured out this complex process almost thirteen years ago. I truly feel it is one of the reasons I've been aging in reverse.
The 2022 trend In Gut Health these days is CRYSTAL CLEAR, it's symbiotics. And yes, this is the same gut-healing formula I discovered a decade ago. Symbiotics is a more balanced approach to gut health.
And if you hear differently just know you aren’t dealing with an expert. You’re dealing with a person whose education comes from Google and YouTube searches.
By providing both prebiotics and probiotics along with other gut health benefiting nutrients at the same time, you can not only improve your gut health,
You will be improving your overall immune system without throwing it off balance.
Taking a Once-Daily Synbiotic like smiling gut probiotic helps support both digestive and Immune Health.
My smiling gut pre-and probiotic is created using humic and fulvic acid from Crater Lake in Oregon. It’s been around 10 years and is my best-selling product on auto-ship through our warehouse. It literally is the next generation Probiotic + Prebiotic Combination. Even though I created it 10 years ago.
Because Humic and fulvic acids contain everything needed to create a synbiotic action in the gut. these two natural substances contain a balanced nutrient profile, they aid your digestive system in a shorter period of time and provide more sustainable benefits. These plant-based compounds help restore your native flora, rather than trying to introduce new strains.
What is a symbiotic probiotic?
Symbiotics are mixtures of probiotics (helpful gut bacteria) and prebiotics (non-digestible fibers that help these bacteria grow). This combination of pre and probiotics is specifically helpful for those who struggle with IBS, (irritable bowel syndrome), colitis, diarrhea, or constipation.
Smiling gut’s purified and active form of humic and fulvic acid is sourced, extracted, and manufactured in Oregon from 100% pure humic and fulvic sources. It is considered the oldest superfood around. Even though people are just discovering it now.
Old probiotic facts coming out in 2022 Trends In Gut Health
1. Probiotics and prebiotics benefit your body by keeping the lining in your gut healthy with strong gut bacteria.
2. Probiotics are positive bacterial organisms that populate your digestive tract yielding health benefits.
3. Prebiotics feed these bacteria so they can flourish and overtake harmful strains of gut bacteria.
4. Humic and fulvic acid combine probiotics and prebiotics to greatly increase the beneficial effects of friendly microorganisms to help them thrive!
5. Unless you’re eating a 100% organic diet grown in quality soil (which is rare these days), And unless you have not been vaccinated in your lifetime, it is a must to supplement with pre-and probiotics that contain humic and fulvic acid.
6. Smiling gut pre-pro biotics include symbiotics created by nature, not man-made in a laboratory. like other generic probiotic supplements.
7. Smiling gut pre-and probiotic can withstand strong stomach acid due to the humic and fulvic acid
8. Taking 2 to 4 smiling gut pre-and probiotics every morning on an empty stomach is equivalent to eating 6 ounces of raw fermented sauerkraut with the added benefit of prebiotics and humic and fulvic acids.
9. Taking fulvic acid supplements helps restore normalcy in the digestive tract. This leads to healing of any gut imbalances such as the leaky gut, colitis, along with other gut and autoimmune conditions.
10. Fulvic acid might block the reactions in the body that are the root cause of allergy symptoms. It might also interrupt steps involved in the worsening of brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, fulvic acid might reduce swelling and prevent or slow the growth of cancer.
11. Fulvic acid increases the number of good bacteria restoring gut bacteria to healthy levels.
My favorite Probiotic Smoothie Recipe
1/3 cup coconut Kiefer
2 cups raw coconut water
1/2 cup mature coconut meat
1 cup frozen bananas
1 pitted date
1/3 cup wild blueberries
2 TB Raw Detox Formula
1 TB Sexy and Raw Hair Skin & Nails Formula
4 Smiling Gut prebiotic and probiotic formula
Blend and drink on an empty stomach
Final thoughts on 2022 Trends In Gut Health
There are countless articles from reputable sources on the connection of microbiome gut health when humic and fulvic acids are added with a prebiotic and probiotic formula such as smiling gut. Here is a link to one of my favorites by the National Library of Medicine.