If you are looking to boost your energy levels,

feel better about yourself and lose weight while connecting with source then a one-on-one specified retreat may be for you...

A one-on-one personal retreat with Andrea will utilize any of the following methods for gently cleansing and detoxifying your body mind spirit and soul... The beauty about this customized design your own program is you can pick and choose the methods that are right for you. The following are the modalities Andrea offers to her clients...

Assisted Water Fasting


Water fasting is a method used to affect physiological processes in the body which is the most effective instrument which is harmonizing the organs of the body.

The duration of the program is not that important, it might be five days or one month. The duration of the program is based on the individual constitution of the participant according to Ayurvedic principles, past addictions to food, drugs, and or alcohol, or the desired effect you wish to achieve. So one person will have a powerful healing effect from a long duration of the program and another person will have the same effects from a short program of water fasting. Think of this method as the most gentle aggressive way of resetting your biological clock. It literally turns back the hands of time.

If finances are an issue you may want to look into Alkalize with Andrea group water fasting retreats found here 

San Diego location – 5 day – $4997 Single
Your location in the US – 5 day – $5997 Single

Make Reservation – Assisted Water Fasting

The Yin Yang Method, An ideal retreat for couples

Let go of your day-to-day worries and experience what it's like to relax.
Lets face it, the couple who plays together stays together. This doesn’t mean that you need to drink and partake in doing drugs to have a good time.

During this retreat, we will explore the detoxifying benefits of combining daily Yin and Yang Yoga styles with the healing powers of simple relaxation and delicious fresh-pressed organic juices and plant-based cuisine.

Andreaʼs Yin Yang method combines the use of sound healing using crystal singing bowls while having your own personal yoga instructor leading you through a series of poses daily.

The only thing you have to lose by doing this five-day retreat is stress, anxiety, addictions and excess weight.

This is an excellent Retreat for couples! 

San Diego location – 5 day$4997 Single | $5997 Couples
Your location in the US5 day $6997 Single or Couples

Make Reservation – The Yin Yang Method

Inner Child Healing and Addiction Recovery Retreat

Learn to let go during this five-day digital detox. Reprogram your cellular memory with food while tapping into your akashic records.

Andrea will lead you down a path that will first take you to the depths of your soul and then awaken your inner child to learn to laugh live and love again. This is the most requested retreat amongst clients.

It is also highly recommended for those of you who have suffered or are currently suffering from addictions to drugs such as amphetamines sleeping pills or alcohol.

During this one-on-one emersion retreat, Andrea recognizes the destructive patterns that drugs, alcohol, and addictions create. Andrea's behavioral therapy approach to treatment is designed to break and restructure this cycle by addressing three core areas:

In doing so, a more healthy and "constructive cycle" between substance abuse recovery and relationship functioning is achieved.

It is recommended that this retreat be repeated to last for two consecutive weeks.

Please note that an additional herbal fee Will be added to the cost of this retreat in order to provide you with the proper herbal nutrition to support your detox from substance abuse.

San Diego location  – 7 day$8997 Single
Your location – 7 day $10,997 Single
Out of the Country – (10 day minimum) $12,997 Single

Make Reservation – Inner Child Healing and Addiction Recovery Re

A client practitioner agreement will need to be signed prior to the commencement of any retreat. All travel expenses for Andrea must be paid by the purchaser and are not included in the price of the retreat. All retreats in San Diego are all-inclusive. Your organic juice, food, breathwork, yoga, and sound healing along with your place of stay are all provided at the price of the retreat.

Offsite Colon Hydrotherapist is available when attending a San Diego Retreat.  

Questions? E-mail me at [email protected]


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