"I wanted to tell you how very much you have changed my life through getting to know you and your knowledge...Being in the public eye as a Playboy Playmate and as a pin up model, and actress often appearing in the public eye, I have discovered a entire new way of living thanks to you!! I suffered from hypothyroidism, and I have to say due to your eBook on food and juicing I am now cured! Not only has my stamina multiplied I am now free of this disease and feeling AMAZING!
I've taken on a whole new way of living, through purchasing all organic produce, following your advice, and your knowledge I can't thank you enough for transforming my life! Not only am I off all medications, I HAVE lost the unwanted lbs I put on, and resumed my sense of self and a well being I can only attribute to you and your daily love and support! I not only have energy, I have a greater sense of self esteem and awareness I did not ever know was available:)I have also suffered from extreme bouts of depression and hormonal issues (lately) yet my depression and anxiety attacks go way back to when I began my modeling career,traveling constantly,(always on meds for that!)and that has also began to lift! I attribute to my new found knowledge about "real RAW food" and eliminating caffeine, alcohol,and bad sugars and unnatural salt..
You are my role model and a driving force that becasue of you, my life and health is so extremly different in EVERY sense..You are a TRUE inspiration, not only are you beautiful on the outside (stunning!) your inner beauty is intoxicating! Thank you for transforming my life, and for being my role model! My 20 year old daughter logs onto your page daily and we are on this new found path together which is wonderful that she has these tools now to take through her lifetime to pass on!!
I can smile again, and have gained a tremendous amount of self esteem that for so long I was lacking....I did not think or dream this would ever be possible, as I have sought help through various doctors and specialists and spent a fortune doing so...Little did I know YOU had that ability to change my life!!! I am forever greatful for you!!! I cant wait to join your retreats, and learn more about how to continue this exciting journey!!!! Thank God for you and you are so blessed to have the gift to change lives!!!! God has blessed you and blessed me for leading me down your path!!! Thank you so much!!!! xoxo"
-Terri Lynn Doss, Former Playboy Playmate