Hey friends,
We are living in a time of great suffering and severing! This also brings upon us great healing. Healing is not possible without acknowledging what has been severed. And this my friend can be uncomfortable.
The awakening and healing process is not smooth and certainly not simple. It is not a glamorous process. It is a process full of tests and trials along with the tribulations that examining our authentic self brings. Proper sustainable healing requires us to dive deep into the depths of the matter and find a way back to wholeness. It requires that we resist running away and avoiding. Often it requires alchemizing. Alchemizing requires us to feel the pressure as we walk over the hot coals of our past so we can embrace the future.
I call this process getting back to Unconditional love. This process requires us to walk through the pain.
Now more than ever it is important for us to remain present to everything that it is unearthing without avoiding, ignoring, pretending, projecting or running away.
As a collective, we have been living as though we are separate from this earth and those who inhabit here. We have built a world of hiding behind computer screens, cell phones and now masks. All of this to avoid our truth and the truth that has been slapping us in the face for years. What is happening to our planet? Why are our children and pets having vaccines forced upon them? How are our politicians able to get away with lying? How are grown men and women able to touch children? How is it that the slaughtering of animals and the consumption of crap food appear to be "the norm"?
One thing is for certain, we have forgotten that we are one with nature. We have learned to see the world only from our separate points of view. This has caused a war within many of us. And as a result we have separated ourselves from each other. We are running around with this aching deep within us! A yearning to return to something that we cannot quite name. Bouncing and projecting off one other, as we desperately attempt to find our way to a place of peace, health and wellbeing that is sustainable.
So many of you are hurting. I don’t believe there is anyone on the planet who is not. And perhaps this holding the mirror to what we tried to ignore for so long is part of what it means to be human. We cannot avoid this by avoiding each other, for an ‘other’ will eventually come along and hurtle us into the same line-up of sheep.
Yes, some of us are more empathic than others but we are all sensitive to what is occurring in the world and in our personal relationships today. We must stop using our sensitivity as a reason to separate ourselves from the world and from ‘others’. It is possible to be empathic and sovereign at the same time.
We must find a way back to one other. I do not believe this is possible without some type of heartache and pain. I know that the situation we are in as a collective is overwhelming and that it feels impossible to find our part in the world at this time. I know that we are all on some level feeling this heartache and looking around us for the "how and why"! I know that when feeling this level of heartache it can feel like it is easier to avoid and focus on ones self and the idealizations of this world and our "leaders". And no one knows more about the strong desire to be in the stillness and oneness of spirit such as myself. But that is not sustainable.
And that is not the current reality. We are souls having a human experience, and this is that experience! We are not meant to fight these battles alone.
I believe that we are in a crisis that can only be mended by unconditional love at this time. Universal unconditional love! At this very moment in time, the past ten years of a cycle is closing. And because relationships are the number one way that we grow it is coming up through them.
As we move through this portal of 2020, let’s do our best to return to each other. When you find yourself in conflict with an 'other’, can you find a way to stay sovereign but also keep your heart open in a stance of unconditional love to the ‘other’? Can you find a way to express yourself that is authentic? Owning (truly owning) your part to harm another living human, animal or oneself? Are you able to lean into the real story? Not the one you repeatedly tell yourself and others to make yourself appear righteous. Can you speak the true authentic story of where your focus has really been?
My focus has been on myself, my animals, my family and my business for the last decade and well... that upset a lot of people.
How to heal through this next portal
The majority of my clients are carrying what I call "emotional luggage" or dramatic baggage. At least 20 pounds of it! Whether it shows up in their weight or the every day drama they create in their lives, it's there! They keep playing what I refer to as "car accident". Repeating drama from childhood within their current relationships, friendships and business partnerships.
Here's a great example... one of my clients loathes being touched by her husband. In fact, she doesn't even like when they hold hands. As we went through "the work" she realized her mother didn't touch her at all. No hugs ... nothing! Touch was foreign to her! By adopting my principles and applying the lessons and techniques of unconditional love, she now flows into affection and physical touch with her husband with ease. We developed a way for them to come together that is respectful, open and safe for both of them.
In order to further their process of emotions, we detoxed their bodies for thirty days at a cellular level. They exchanged morning business calls for yoga. They ditched their television shows for binary rhythms. They left behind their morning cup of coffee for a cold pressed orange juice with spirulina. These techniques only furthered their spiritual growth and their desire to spend more healthy time with each other.
So I have a question for you, Can you find a way to return to love instead of separating yourself from the ‘other’ and God... source who lives within you?
The next phase of the portal as a collective and in our personal relationships...
This portal is tough! It is a severing of the past ten years. For me the first portal of 2020 is where I located my sovereign strength that laid deep within my soul. I began vocally speaking out against a group of people, who had a jealous obsession against me. I had to come out and express that I nor my clients, social media friends and business's would be targeted online any longer. I needed to express how uncomfortable this had me feeling. I knew it would be the most difficult task I had ever faced but look where it got me! I'm living in a new home, growing my own food and my business and personal life have never been more fulfilling. This is how you close out a cycle. This how you get back to unconditional love. Not with anger and resentment. With truth, integrity and by staring the truth in the face, addressing the problem head on and rising above.
Remember, unconditional love of self, the earth and mankind is not some unprocessed emotion wrapped up in love. Love is not a ball of cotton candy. Proper love exists on the same spectrum as heartache, grief and pain. Proper love is rooted in water and grounded in earth. Proper love is human and soul combined. Proper love can feel euphoric and it can also hurt. Proper love recognizes the other with compassion. Proper love acknowledges the projection. Proper love is the way back to God and to ones self.
Because the truth is, the only way to survive this next phase is through unconditional love.
Interested in the work I mentioned above?!
I'll be taking one client on in the month of October ~ Fill out the coaching form here!
Remember I only want the very best for you!
Cilantro kisses
Love you, Isn’t it time you love yourself
~ Andrea