Happy 4th of July everyone! Something occurred to me today and I wanted to share it with all of you. Once you know the truth, you can move forward to create the life you truly are meant to have! Don't allow lies to ever hold you back!
I love you and I believe in you!!


Having been a former fitness model who graced the cover of over 20 magazines I know a thing or two about working out. If I could give you one piece of advice it would be that there are no shortcuts!
I lift weights three days per week, interval train to keep my heart healthy and do bikram yoga a minimum of five days per week.
My diet that really isn't a diet at all consists of tons of "good water", a plethora of vegetable juices, fresh organic fruits and a ton of greens along with some cooked starch such as sweet potatoes.
Although I will drink bone broth in the winter, I've not eaten any animal flesh in 9 years. No eggs, no chicken, no dairy and no fish!
The question I get asked the most is "where do I get my protein"? My answer is always the same. Dark leafy greens and sprouted seeds give me an abundance of protein!
As far as supplements I eat my evening formula clay. That supplies me with ALL the vitamins and minerals I require!
People are always looking for the "magic pill" or "quick fix". I prefer an all you can eat buffet of fruits and vegetables mixed with sunshine, clean air, yoga and body movement.
Want to get truly healthy? Just eat sunshine:)

Last night I had a "slight slip up"frown emoticon It wouldn't be cool of me to not share it with all of you. My desire from this post is that you see that no one is perfect! Not even me.
I had gone to sleep very late the night prior and had not stuck to my eating schedule over the weekend. Long story short...I didn't tune into my body yesterday as a result. I ate way too late and I wasn't hungry when I did take in!
Please allow this to be a lesson for you to never take in when the body is kicking ass and feeling great! Always stick to somewhat of a schedule with your eating so that you know your "hunger times". The meal didn't serve me what so ever! In fact it kept me up the entire night and feeling like poo today:( It's green juice for this detox Queen until at least 3pm!
Ok, I'm getting a plethora of Emails asking me where I shop! I chuckle at this because quite honestly I am the thriftiest shopper I know! I buy most of my dresses at little off road boutiques and have not set foot in a mall (unless forced to) in years!
I am drawn to comfortable, "beachy" dresses made from organic materials!
Here was last weeks ensembles
J~U~N~E 28

My 6th month anniversary with my love:) I'll cherish this time for a lifetime:)
Six months ago today I met this kind loving man. I wasn't looking and I'm pretty sure he wasn't either. When a mutual friend mentioned I should meet my love I said "tell me about him" then I blurted out "he's not for me":) About a week later we spoke for the very first time. "Sweet William" immediately went on my "do not answer phone" list. I just thought we were worlds apart when it came to everything we believed in. The next week something kept saying "give this man a shot"...."give love a shot"!
Fast forward to December 29th, our first date. Standing before me was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes upon. He was nervous and for the first time in my life....so was I! He brought dog treats for Louis and the most beautiful orchid for me. I broke my do not kiss on the first date rule that night and many other rules during the past six months. William has a gentle way of teaching me that rules rule me and that letting go is what life is all about.
I cannot count the number of times this man has brought me flowers since that day. He has made me laugh more than anyone I've ever met. I've also cried for the sheer fact that I've never been happier then when I look into his blue eyes. I fell for his eyes before they knew me and every time he kisses me it feels like our very first kiss six months ago.
I love you sweet William, my handsome, quirky sharp dressing funny "man-pan-ion"! Thank you for showing me what falling in true love for the very first time feels like!